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New to possible Interstitial Cystitis suffering bladder pain
Grace2Marayger Views: 7,550
Published: 14 y

New to possible Interstitial Cystitis suffering bladder pain

I have a bunch of stress in life right now- no doubt a factor in is thought to be Interstitial Cystitis. Still might be bacteria related but did not show up on regular test or several day culture. Don't think this was a broth culture but I may check that out. D-Mannose helps so I am going to keep that up. (have been reading a lot of interesting thoughts on Waterfall D-Mannose web site). I lost 100 lbs last year and that fact along with The Egoscue Method, muscular alignment body work I am doing might have rearranged some things and set this off. Also over a couple of weeks I foolishly did some other things that may have disrupted my system. I took an Antibiotic (Amoxicillin) (-long story why I was doing this- bad mistake I think) and probiotics for about 10 days. The UTI feeling began after that and I cleared it up with a short (too short round of D-Mannose). Then a week later I soaked an hour in a sulfur pool and the next day worked out in a local gym's therapy pool, used steaming and sauna afterwards and the next day I took a long sweaty walk. Way too much moisture! The next day my pain took off and has been difficult to handle especially at night. No burning with urination but heavy feeling and pain in bladder area.

Not really sure what to try. One Alt Doc recommended
Life Extension Optimized Cran-Max with UTIRose
Jarrow Formulas Fem Dophilus and powdered D-Mannose.
One thought I had was PT therapy for the Pelvic floor so another doctor who said I most likely have Interstitial Cystitis prescribed that for me. Only problem I can't get an appointment for two months. The PT had helped me once before when I had these same symptoms. I am just going to get out those exercises and begin doing them. I am also going to ask the Egoscue practitioner if they have any thoughts.

The Waterfall D-Mannose web site expressed that cranberry juice can be a harmful thing to these UTI/Bladder infections. They also claim that their product is more natural than synthetic. That puzzles me since I thought all D-Mannose was a natural sugar.

I am also using Dr. Schulze Kidney/Bladder tincture and am very pro herbs.

I was wondering if any of you have any experience or knowledge about these things I am considering for healing.



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