Re: Need a bit of support 'n' love! :)
Hey Mike,
Have you looked into the McCombs Plan at all? It's a candida/detox plan developed by the host of the "Ask the Candida Expert" forum here on CZ. It's a little different from the standard candida diet and he has specific supplements he wants you to take. One of the supposed benefits of his program is that you don't get die off, which, as you know, is a big problem with many approaches. I've been doing it a few weeks and I think I'm making progress.
My concern with the typical candida diet is that I see many people on here that have been using it for months or even a year or longer and still haven't gotten rid of their problem. I'm sure some have, but when I tried the "only meat and veggies" route, I was struggling really hard to stick with it and I knew I couldn't last for several months that way.
Second thing I wanted to mention is
Amalgam fillings. Do you have any? It's possible you have mercury issues that are one of the primary causes for your candida issue. Of course, it could just be that you've taken too many rounds of
Antibiotics , but many people on here have noticed a correlation between their mercury and their candida issues. I'm currently undergoing chelation for several heavy metals.
Anyway -- good luck. This thing is beatable!