Those symptoms sound familiar. Candida is so damn adaptive it pisses me off. Seems like candida can adapt sooner or later to almost any diet that were on. When I try to starve the candida by eating just meat/fat it seems to figure out a way to ferment the protein and cause toxins. Candida is too damn adaptive thats why its such a pain in the ^&%!@#$ to get rid of.
I find myself having to rotate foods every 4 days-- cant eat too much of 1 food for more than 4 days-- because of candida's ability to adapt to our diet.
Detoxing with heavy metals depends on if your body is strong enough to handle the detoxing. If you can get the candida weak enough to were you can handle some heavy metal detox it might be worth a slow approach. I would not be doing strong anti-fungals+heavy metal detox at the same time=too much burden on the body.
As strange as it might sound prunes with potassium sorbate has helped me a lot with constipation+helping with die off/fermentation for the last 3 weeks. If i do prunes without potassium sorbate it just causes bad symptoms. Prunes with potassium sorbate is the only fruit I have been able to do.