Re: 6 Cubed's folly
In the American folkloric fable of Uncle Remus, Br'er Rabbit encounters the Tar Baby which is a lump of tar dressed up by Br'er Fox to fool and infuriate Br'er Rabbit. The rabbit attempts to engage the Tar Baby, the Tar Baby has nothing to say, Br’er Rabbit reacts and is soon mired in the tar.
6 Cubed - You've flitted and skirted the
CureZone Forums for a long time with just your needling nerdly comments and now, finally, have been sucked into the tar of high school debate club and their twisting of words games! They likely feel they have won some sort of “debate.” The CZ natives don't want to hear about your science, they live and breath within a totally different paradigm. It's a world where
Science has only selective uses and studies are only acceptable and used to flog the trolls when they fit their narrow paradigm. Vastly wider breadths of high quality data are to be ignored or totally discounted by nonsensical attacks. I think perhaps the Curezone management requires these traits when interviewing for positions in the forum core cadre. Anti-science and anti-intellectual idioms reign supreme. "We don't need no stinkin' science, we’ve got the truth!" is their rallying cry. They only took the
Science and maths (and definitely not research methodology or biostatistics!) they absolutely had to at university and went absent or slept through most of the good professor's lectures! They partied and partook of the herb in the dorms while you were up most of the night mastering the rigors of scientific study trying to understand things like the critical significance of the Kreb's cycle in human biophysiology. Remember, they were all sociology, art history or communication majors who basked in the sun on campus lawns while you sweated through hours of organic, biochemistry or comparative vertebrate anatomy labs. Yours was an academic pathway which they considered either useless, “too hard”, entirely incomprehensible or outright abhorrent.
This forum has become boring. I only post infrequently in here any more, sometimes when I see a particularly grievous entry of gross misinformation or misinterpretation of
Science or a pseudo-science citation from one of those esteemed, internationally renowned and academically respected fonts of knowledge like naturalnews or whale. The litany of the closed agenda runs on unchanged with the same type of news articles, editorial pieces or obscure scientific studies that sound like editorial pieces, always posted by same particular posters, sometimes the same ones over and over again. Stick to your on-off flippant posts, 6 Cubed. It is folly, particularly in the villages of the anti-vax tribe, to attempt to elucidate them about the scientific method or reveal to them that science is never about a single "Truth" but a the greater complex process of scientific inquiry and critical analysis that plays out over the long term to build a greater body of knowledge and a better understanding of our world.