Today I have been thinking and craving food all day and I felt sorta hungry regardless of how much I drank. Whats up with that? Challenging to be sure. As of today I have lost 7 pounds (8 days) so thats good and my clothes are definitely fitting better. My starting weight was 177 and I am now 170. I know I have tons more to loose (well at least 20 pounds if not 30) so there is no way what I am feeling is true hunger yet. I think my cravings for caramel chocolate squares came from the fact that they are just melting off my hips as we speak. I read somewhere that when we eat fatty and sugary foods they store themselves without much change needed in our fat cells. So it would therefore make sense that when that stuff is then forced to melt off, you might think about that food or might crave it... Makes sense to me at least but what do I know- I haven't eaten in 8!! Happy fasting to everybody!!