If you don't currently practice dry skin brushing, ( which you can Google for instruction) you will be amazed at what a difference it makes to your feeling of well-being. Combine this -if you are so fortunate- with an open window, and some deep breathing. The skin brushing will help the lymph move, bring blood to the nerve endings, wake up the entire body, which is a good thing, and smooth the skin. It is almost like another form of "rebounding", which is known to be so good for moving lymph. Do this *before* a shower or bath: it's a nice ritual, best done slowly; and only takes a few minutes--best to be standing in the shower or sitting on the inside edge of the tub:it releases a lot of dead skin, which you can then rinse away.
I would say,for many people it's about the most exercise they need, after a slow walk, or some gentle stretching, especially if you are undertaking a longer (say 14-21 days and +...)therapeutic fast, the way one would be conducted in a fasting retreat.