Preparation for a therapeutic water fast - veg juice
Here is a short info about the status of my health:
- All the symptoms of my sinusitis are gone;
- Eye pterygium has slightly diminished but is still present so I keep using the Eyebright Formula Tincture;
- I feel absolutely wonderful and have been as strong as a horse; I jump my rope, exercise, use my bike, and in-line skate.
A new problem and its solution:
- Because of my husband's eye surgery (an emergency vitrectomy due to a retinal detachment), we decided to change our diet; We both drink nutritionally dense juice only; I make it as often as my husband wishes (5-6-7-8 times a day) from vegetables and wild greens (mainly dandelion and nettle), and add ground soaked nuts, seeds, and all available superfoods (for example maca, wolfberries, sea weed, nutritional yeast).
- We will continue drinking veg juice only as long as my husband requires his eye medications (atropine,
Antibiotics and prednisolone).
- As soon as his medication is no longer required, we both plan to start a prolong, therapeutic water fast; I will fast to accompany my husband.
- My hands are full; I juice all day long as my husband stays in bed to speed up his recovery and prevent bleeding; Too much movement and he experiences bleeding into an eye.
- I hope we will start our
Water Fast in 1-2 months.