I had weakness in my legs for 8 years. As soon as I had to go up more than ~10 stairs (not floors, 10 steps up stairs), my legs would get weak and I had to pull the railing to pull myself up.
Even when I went through the Lam resetting period last summer and felt great otherwise, I still had muscle weakness.
And I think I finally figured out why. I've been meaning to do a post on this....here is my excuse.
I am convinced the muscle weakness is related to Magnesium and Calcium.
If you Google Magnesium or Calcium deficiency, you will not they mention muscle weakness. However, excess calcium or magnesium also causes muscle weakness, probably because is creates a deficiency in the other one.
OK....here is what happened to me. 02/08/11, I started using magnesium oil. On 02/11/11, I noted in my log book that I all of sudden had bounce in my step. I was literally jogging up the stairs.
Since many sites wrongly state that you can't take too much magnesium, I went up to 2500 mg of magnesium oil. About a week later, my muscle weakness returned and I started to get calcium deficiency symptoms.
I added calcium and then my legs had more bounce again. After adding the calcium I noticed some other symptoms I had for years started to improve. My skin became more smooth, my cracked heels started to improve. So the episode actually uncovered for me that I was actually calcium deficient as well.
Then I played around with dosages and ratios based on symptoms. I’ve settle into a ratio of about 1:1.
I’m sure it also it taking some time to replenish my cellular levels and hopefully add to my minerals stores.
But I no longer have muscle weakness. I still have chicken legs, but at least they feel as strong as they should for chicken legs ;)