Re: Bad taste in my mouth
Andreas Moritz also states the following:
"By removing the stones through a series of
Liver Cleanses (usually six to eight are sufficient to fully restore liver performance), and consequently maintaining a reasonably
healthy Diet and lifestyle, the liver returns to its natural efficiency, and most, if not all, symptoms of discomfort begin to subside. Energy and well-being notably increase with each cleanse."
The key operative statement is "....usually six to eight are sufficient to fully restore liver performance." I think this makes a lot of sense and anything over this may be overkill unless you are severly diseased.
While I understand that everyone is different and 6-8
Liver Flushes may not suffice for everyone, in my opinion it is always important to throw caution to the wind when you are doing any type of cleanse as too much of any good thing can be bad. Many people while well intentioned run the danger of overdoing things and when a healthier lifestyle(healthier eating,regular exercise, and a focus on prevention of stones) is not taken into consideration and people see the
Liver Flush as a be all and end all for all ailments, they are likely to run into more problems than they anticipated. Don't take my word for it, you can consult with any reputable naturopath and s/he will tell you the exact same thing for a hefty consultation fee. I am telling you the same thing for free.
Best Wishes.