I had posted a message a few weeks ago before I was headed on vacation regarding a suspicious spot on my nose. I took some advice I was given and that was to try slippery elm and aloe vera. I used it everyday for 2 weeks and the place on my nose decreased in size and stopped bleeding. I had a biopsy done last week and waiting for the results. The dermo said it looked very much like cancer but not sure what kind. If it is she wants me to go to a moh's surgeon to have it removed. I'm really afraid of how much they are going to take off and what kind of scarring am I looking at. I'm really debating doing this and just continue with slippery elm and aloe. I'm really torn on what to do, if it is cancer the more it grows the more cutting they would have to do. I'm really hoping it comes back clear but my gut tells me not. I just wondering if anyone has any luck getting rid of their skin cancer using other methods. Thanks so much!