Is it truly possible that one dua could cure cancer? This is floating on the internet and I felt it was worth writing about. First a dua is only as good as the intention and the ability to have your dua accepted.
Could it be so easy to have faith in Allah's healing power, that you could be cured. Wouldn't the world scream with joy and run to be Muslims. This is my sincere hope.
I ask you to believe. I ask you to contemplate and I ask you to praise Allah morning and night. As the days bring answers. It is Ramadan and a time when duas are answered, especially right before you break your fast.
I was told today that I was rude and insensitive because I don't believe in conventional modes of healing. I do not believe in them and as long as I have one breath left in me, I will continue to support the healing of Allah, not man.
May Allah forgive me and show mercy on me today and everyday.