Re: Lung disease
Constrictive brochiolitis is a disease that causes narrowing of the passageways of the lungs. The narrowing process is created by inflammation and a build-up of connective/fibrous tissues. This is something similar to schleroderma, which we've seen good results with when people have done the Plan. Why? The Plan helps to reduce inflammation throughout the body by reducing inflammation within the intestinal tract. This is a result of balancing the intestinal flora and eliminating toxins that promote inflammation.
You can view the fibrous tissue that develops as a protective response by the body. This also happens with the arterial system, where inflammation creates a thickening process of the arterial wall, also known as arterioslcerosis.
Much of the inflammation is generated by immune responses, and most of the body's immune system(70%) is located in the intestinal tract. An excessive pro-inflammatory response may lead to excess fibrous tissue build-up.
When approaching serious issues, you have to consider all aspects that will affect the tissues involved. In Chinese medicine, the lungs and large intestine are paired meridians. What affects the large intestine, will affect the lungs, and vice versa. This is yet another example of the intestines and lung connection.
When the liver/gall bladder pathway is toxic and backed up, toxins can be shunted to the lungs for elimination there. This produces another source of stress for the lungs.
Most people have a body burden of chemicals and heavy metals that numbers in the tens of thousands. This is an important piece of information to consider. Many foods have chemicals added to them for one reason or another.
Here are some things that I would suggest:
Restoring balance to the intestinal flora; balancing immune responses; detoxifying the body; eating whole foods; supplementing the diet with systemic enzymes like Wobenzyme or Vitalzyme; removing sources of toxicity; using an infrared sauna; etc.
Another practitioner that I know views the fibrous tissues as trapping toxins. Detoxification should take place slowly over time to allow the body to handle the toxins being released. If she's using a sauna daily and follwing the above recommendations, that shouldn't be a problem. Hope that helps.