Nightshades (includes peppers) are inflammatory but what about cayenne peppers???
Nightshades (all peppers [except black&white], tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, and tobacco) are said to be inflammatory but cayenne peppers are said to be anti-inflammatory! I’m so confused!?!?!?!?!
I KNOW that nightshades were inflammatory to my
Arthritis as they are for everyone with arthritis. Now that I quit nightshades, I can now walk, type, etc. WITHOUT pain YIPPEE! Anyway before my
Arthritis flared I used cayenne pepper powder to help in various ways, one being my airborne allergies, which helped me. So it does have some good uses (but I wonder did it hurt me in the long run, possibly aggravating my
Arthritis earlier?).
Can anyone EXPLAIN this conflicting information of cayenne peppers being both inflammatory & anti-inflammatory please? Which I have personally experienced both, but now that I have arthritis I would be scared to try cayenne again. Should I be, right?