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Re: I don't know that I believe everything I read
jessiecz Views: 45,318
Published: 14 y
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Re: I don't know that I believe everything I read

Well, we don't know what the OP's story is.... and it seems harsh to decide they are lying, delusional, or mentally unstable barring any evidence.

They may not have strongyloides, true.

But I and at least one other Curezone reg can attest that some -- not necessarily Humaworm; I have not tried that, mind -- but some herbal/supplement-type intended treatments for parasites can indeed cause them to become hyperactive in a new and very unpleasant way. Both I and that other poster (not the OP above; another person entirely) experienced this trying iodine supplements. This is a very popular supplement favored by many CZ parasite fighters who opt for the 'natural' route, and I am sure it does indeed work for the ones who say it does. However, my and this other fellow's experience was that one day taking the standard recommended dose of a reputable iodine tincture caused entirely new, quite horrifying episodes of subcutaneous parasite activity. (I'd call it larva migrans, but since it was thankfully temporary and has not happened before or since, "situational larva migrans-esque rash w/ papules" is probably closer. Tho' a mouthful.)

In my case, a few hours after taking the iodine tincture, I suddenly began to itch, then saw red track marks under the skin of my upper body (below the neck, but my scalp itched suspiciously too) that with really astonishing speed turned into red papules. When I couldn't help scratching a couple -- they itched like mad -- I was quite disturbed to find a tiny gray-white grub-looking thing in each. Blech!! I hastily washed my hands and then bathed all the papules and the three now-sores in hydrogen peroxide and some medicated sulfur soap. They did not increase in number and now, a week, later seem to be finally fading. Though they are still quite visible. I am just glad whatever "woke up" seems to have gone back to sleep. I will kill it in due time, if I haven't already, but I do not need it (or anything, generally) making its own escape orifices out through my skin.

(The other guy's story is identical to mine, but he didn't scratch, wise soul.)

And yes, I do have a picture or two, intended for the great record of my casting off my worm burden; but I cannot transfer them from my camera to my computer right now because I misplaced the right download cable for that. Maybe if it turns up. (But actually I'm really sort of shy about posting pictures of my naked, pockmarked, larva-eruptive torso on the Internet. Call me old-fashioned. Or just plain vain. But then again, since the greatest concentration is on my breasts, for some reason, perhaps it is just modesty. And/or a wish not to gross total strangers out immediately after making their cyber-acquaintance. This is probably not a unique trait; so I don't think an absence of technicolor medical plates of oneself accompanying one post is truly grounds for dismissing the truth of the post.)

That such a thing is possible, I do know, from experience and from an acquaintance who is a regular and seems quite sane and helpful, normally, when not slightly freaked out by new evidence of worms under his skin. Again, not of Humaworm per se, but iodine has research behind it and is not some wacky fad when compared to HW. (Not saying HW is; they are both "alternative" and widely used.)

Anyway, haven't we all suffered enough of that kind of "You're delusional and just seeking attention and should just snap out of it and get a life" dismissal from the medical establishment, without doing it to each other in this supposedly safe haven?

Just a thought.

Barring any evidence of fabrication, and if the story is plausible, which I can vouch for completely, I say we err on the side of taking each other as seriously as we merit ourselves.


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