Try bile salts, HCl Caps, or bitters(black radish extract) for bloating. Dont drink to much liquids with meals=dilutes HCL production.
Do your greens/alkalizers on a empty stomach. Combining to much greens/alkalizers with your meal can buffer acid production causing some bloating. Keep a log of what foods/ingredients cause bloating. Diets that are too alkaline can cause bloating. Candida "fungus" seems to prefer a more alkaline environment--Dr. Jeff states this as well.
Bloating is usually caused by lack of beneficial digestive acids. Mild bloating can be caused by yeast die-off. Similiar to when yeast is baked it causes the dough to rise.
I do not eat meat/protein alone anymore. This was causing too much ammonia production/sulfur byproducts(from the sulfur aminos). Combining some veggies with meat/protein seems to help cut down the ammonia/ sulfur production.
Some probiotics can help with bloating. Try jarrow ibs formula/culturelle or some clinically proven strains.