Allah's Gift to Me - 2 baby kitties
Well I had always suspected that Tabby was pregnant and I have this old room where she slept all the time and she had big titties that looked red, but there was never a sound or a noise. I buried Tabby on Friday and to this day I feel someone killed her.
It almost looked like Allah was trying to give me a sign. Then I came home today and I heard the wimpering of a little kitten. I go to the room and there sits two baby kitties on top of a cement bag.
I called all the neighbors in and 6 boys worked all night moving the cement bags and junk. Finally we get to the end and there was two baby kitties, all white and beautiful. They were very frightened and appear to be around 4 weeks old.
Funny on the first day of Ramadan how I was given this special gift. Even at the death of their mama, Allah provided for them. Surely the angels smiled down on my home today.
One of the kittens will be named Tabby in honor the their mom, the martyr.
We miss you so much Tabby.