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Re: Those Seeking Help question form Re: Face heart rate, fainting, dizzy
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Re: Those Seeking Help question form Re: Face heart rate, fainting, dizzy

I exercise twice a week.

Drink only water.

Eat about 50% carbs, 40% meat, 10% veggies.

No dairy.

Do you use a microwave oven? If so, how often?

How "un-wired" are you at home and at work? Cell Phone ? WiFi? Cordless phone (what mHz or gHz? DECT?); other wireless toys & gadgets?
Cellphone and wi fi.

Are you exposed to chemicals in the home or workplace frequently? If so, what?

Allergies (food, chemical, drugs, other):

Food "reactions":

Pharmaceutical drugs (current/past):

SSRIs, Valium.

Over The Counter drugs (current/past):

Drugs "other" (current/past):

Supplements (please be as specific as possible as include 'name brands' and amounts taken):
Sun Chlorella

Other current therapies, cleanses or protocols:

What, if anything, are you are doing or taking now that is yielding positive results?

What, if anything, have you done in the past that yielded negative results? Bitters.

Recent vaccines:

How many bowel movements daily/weekly? (color, consistency, etc)

1 per day. Thin stools.

Do you have a juicer? (if so what kind? centrifugal; single auger; masticating; if you don't know, what's the brand/model?)
Single auger, Omega juicer.

Current Health Issues (the more details, the better!):
Heart races around 90-100 bpm. After I eat, it feels even worse, almost like I'm going to past out. Also after I eat, feels like chest is tight and something stuck in my throat.

If you've consulted any type of practitioner, what did they determine or suggest? Do you agree?
They suggested it is anxiety based. I don't agree.

Have you ever done any "cleansing"? (colon, liver, kidney, etc); if so, when and what type/product & results?
Liver Flush about 30 times, last time was 5 months ago, Dr. CLark style.
Colon cleanse, 15 days, 2 years ago? Dr. Schulze .
kidney cleanse 5 months ago, Dr. Schulze .

Did not feel much different after each one.

What other types of allopathic, alternative or natural therapies or protocols have you tried (if any)? results?

Past issues, drugs, surgeries that you think may be contributing to current issues?

Any major changes in diet, supplements, drugs, stress-levels, location, lifestyle recently? results?

Are you aware of the difference between "alternative medicine" and truly natural healing?

What do YOU think & discern is wrong (and why?)

Liver is so congested it is pushing on the rest of my internal organs especially my heart...


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