I have done several 3-5 day water fast, however about a month ago I tried a 3 day fast and I could not stop vomitting which in turn made me stop the fast. I am not sure if it is due to my wellbutrin that is for my anxiety. I was weaning myself off and then I started it back due to the horrible symptoms. I am Muslim so Ramadan is approaching and I again started to Water Fast to prepare for my fast and I couldn't make it through the day without vomitting. I had taken my meds at that time. I am wondering if I stop the wellbutrin and fast how can I help cleanse my liver and kidneys so that the toxins don't over load. I am planing on doing water to break my fast instead of food during my 18hrs of sun light for Ramadan. Any fasting veterins out there want to pipe in I would love to hear from you.