The infamous blue woman, Rosemary Jacobs, turned blue due to years of overusing a prescribed mainstream nose spray which contained silver nitrate - not colloidal silver. She has lately made a career of being paraded around by mainstream medicine to the mainstream media as an example of the dangers of colloidal silver. Similarly, the blue man Paul "Papa Smurf" Karason has been paraded around. All he did was make his own mostly ionic silver at home with tap water and further contaminate it with added salt. Then he applied it to his skin daily and drank over a quart a day for over a year. Lost in all the media hoopla is the fact that Karason claims that colloidal silver saved his life. Also lost is the fact that he had a complete physical performed at Mt. Sinai hospital at the behest of one of the talk shows he appeared on and was given a clean bill of health.