Tony Isaacs
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Gardening activities reduce lung cancer risk by 50%
Gardening activities reduce lung cancer risk by 50%
by J. D. Heyes
(NaturalNews) Not only is having a green thumb a great way to stay healthier and happier, but new research shows it can actually protect you from cancer.
Noted cancer treatment and research center M.D. Anderson, at the University of Texas, found in a study that time spent gardening once or twice a week can reduce the risk of cancer by 50 percent in lifelong nonsmokers. Moreover, researchers found, the same level of gardening activity by former smokers can reduce cancer risk by as much as 40 percent.
As the article correctly points out, it isn't merely the act of gardening which is beneficial - it is also the many positive associated benefits: eating healthy home grown produce, physical activity, getting healthy sunshine (and Vitamin D3), contact with the soil and plants, etc.
See also:
"Full-Spectrum Sunlight and Cancer"
"Let the Sun Shine on Your Health with Vitamin D3 by Chris Beckett"
Plus, give your children a head start in life and health by introducing them to gardening:
"Teaching Children Gardening Boosts Their Development and Health"