Morgellons Recovery Protocol
Hello Everyone,
Here is the protocol that I followed to recover from Morgellons. As I have mentioned in my other posts, I have encountered Morgellons twice and recovered both times now. I did nothing extra in our home, but my focus was creating an internal environment or terrain that would break the cycle of self-replicating nanotechnology without hurting myself. No one in my family has shown any signs of Morgellons.
Some products will be mentioned by name because they are the products that I trust since I have used them and have had great success. Some of the products that I mention are recommended by Dr. Staninger who has helped many recover from Morgellons.
I will add more info as time allows
Remember, the goal is to break the internal cycle of nanotechnology self-replication. Nano self- replicates rapidly and this is why it is so difficult to recover from Morgellons. The Nano colony starts in the intestine and spreads from there throughout the body. Intestinal health is top priority. Once the colony is weakened, you will find yourself feeling better and winning the battle. Diligence is the key!
Morgellons Protocol
- MPS Far Infrared 1 hr. daily - Helps the body to push out fibers and silicone biofilm. (The sauna is best and will give the fastest results since it covers the whole body - The pad is good for traveling etc. However will only help a single area at a time. Must be used all over the body to get results needed)
- Topical Products: Oxygenated Oils - Choc Mool Purple Gel - Kleen Green Enzymes (Baths and topical only. Avoid getting into eyes) When these are used on skin while in the sauna, you may see various particles coming out from your skin. Soak in baths with: Opaline Dry Oxy Granules - Borax, Baking Soda and Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.
- Opaline Dry Oxy Caps Breaks up nano toxins. 9-12 daily (Build up slowly to avoid rapid detox)
- Happy Tummy Cleanses the digestive system and pulls out nano toxins. (Use for 10 days - Consume fresh foods - Eat lightly, no meat or heavy carbs - Drink 1 gal. distilled water daily). Consistent colon cleansing is very important to recover. My focus on colon health was a key to my recovery.
- Digestive enzymes Dissolves the silicone biofilm where the fibers replicate.(Must have Protease, Papin, Lipase,Cellulase and Amylase. Use on empty stomach 2 hrs. before food 2 x daily or more - Use with every meal & snacks. I used a ton of enzymes and it really helped my progress
- Probiotics - Dr. Ohhiras Probiotics 12 or Jarrow-Dophilus EPS
Dietary Support:
- Fresh organic juices Daily juice a varity of Carrot, Beet, Ginger, Apple, Celery, Red and green cabbage, Bell Peppers, along with a bundle of Cilantro.
- Nutritional Supplement Support: MSM, Oxygen, Raw daily multi-vitamin, Green Superfood 3-4 x daily, Glyconurients, Krill Oil, Fulvic Acid, Allimed - stable allicin, NAC, Bromelain/Quercetin. I used these and daily
- Heavy Metal Chelation Chlorella, Cilantro, Chlorophyll - these are great ways to chelate heavy metals. Modified Citrus Pectin (NOW), ALA (NOW), Zeolite (HealthForce) effective supplements for heavy metals chelation.
- French Green Clay helped tremendously and I believe was one of the main products that helped me recover. I mixed it with liquid MSM and put it in my ears, nostrils and use 2-4 tsp. internally. Use food grade only.
- Thieves oil combined with Inner Solutions oil: I used a combo of bother internally (1-3 drops of each daily) and mixed them with salt water along with liquid MSM for cleansing styrene/nano fibers & goo from my ears and nose.
- Living Environment: I didn't do any extra cleaning or anything else as some do. I only focused on my internal and external health. Keeping stress level low was very important for me otherwise I relapsed quickly.
Consistency was the key for my recovery and if I backed off of my daily routine it definitely slowed down my progress.