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Re: Question about "herbal blitz"
water01 Views: 1,513
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Re: Question about "herbal blitz"

Did you make the super tonic formula following the process listed below, letting it sit for at least 2 weeks? Then, strain it and add the Echinacea Plus and distilled water, putting it in the fridge for the last week?

IMO... if you used apple cider vinegar in the super tonic formula, it should keep for quite a while. Dr. Schulze talks about full strength super tonic on one of his videos. Someone asks him how long it will keep before it goes bad. He said, it can't go bad. The vinegar is already bad.



1. Start this Procedure on the NEW Moon.
2. Take 1 part - FRESH chopped ORGANIC Garlic Cloves (Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Fungal, Anti-Viral and Anti-Parasitic), 1 part - FRESH chopped Onions (HOTTEST available - similar to Garlic), 1 part - FRESH grated Ginger Root (Circulation - Extremities), 1 part - FRESH grated Horseradish Root (Circulation - Head), and 1 part - FRESH chopped Cayenne Peppers (HOTTEST Habenero available - Super Blood Stimulant).
NOTE: Part EQUALS Volume, NOT Weight in this Tincture Method. Use a Blender to chop up each of the Ingredients VERY FINE!
3. Find a Glass Jar large enough and fill it 3/4 FULL with these Ingredients.
4. Fill the Glass Jar to the Top with RAW Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (Bragg's or Spectrum Naturals).
5. Let it sit until the FULL Moon (15-16 Days) or the NEXT NEW Moon (28-29 Days - OPTIMAL)
6. Shake it as MANY times during the Day as possible.
7. Topping it off with MORE Vinegar, when NEEDED.
8. Strain this Mixture through an UNBLEACHED Coffee Filter.
9. Take at least 1 oz. 3 times per day (drink, gargle and swallow), when you have a Cold or Flu.
NOTE: If you have a SERIOUS ILLNESS, including a PLAGUE DISEASE, then you should combine the following ingredients: 1 oz. SuperTonic, 2 oz. Echinacea Plus, 16 oz. Distilled Water and 16 oz. Apple Juice. You should drink Dr. Schulze 's HERBAL BLITZ throughout the day, having consumed ALL of it by the END of that day. On the 2nd day, you should combine and drink the following ingredients: 1/2 oz. SuperTonic, 1 oz. Echinacea Plus, 16 oz. Distilled Water and 16 oz. Apple Juice. Continue to do the same on the 3rd day, if needed.



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