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Re: 14 months post Mirena update...
Kristi13 Views: 2,220
Published: 14 y
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Re: 14 months post Mirena update...

I am also glad to hear you are feeling better. I think you summed up how I feel everyday. I am almost 11 months post removal and it was a rough first 6 months, but I feel like I am doing better. Life is now a new normal. I am also still battling minor anxiety and it has been a struggle to lose weight, but I am running in a 5K this weekend and training for a 10K in October and I have lost 8 pounds in the last 2weeks. I also don't think I will ever be normal. I don't even remember what normal is, but I will take this over the days after removal.

Hang in there ladies. It is a long journey and most days it seems like you won't get through the day. I kept a journal and I noticed I stopped writing as much as I felt better. I read back through it last week and realized how far I have come. Keep up the fight.


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