mine too!
my 14 yr old has taken Echinacea all this winter and hasnt been since once !
I got her to start taking it when she was getting sick constantly -catching viruses and colds from school and she was getting real tired of it
I kept telling her that if she took echincea that she wouldnt be getting sick all the time and after a while she started to listen to me and lo and behold ! no colds or viruses all winter - best of all no doctors visits either!!
down side - I cant keep enough echinacea around for us all !! LOL we will go through a 4
oz bottle in a week between me and her both
gonna have to make more when I get back home
we use it on our face too (me n her) for
Acne along with bentinite clay masks too
It wont be long till those boys realize that it will keep em from getting sick if they take it enough
my daughter always mixed hers in juice and took up to 6 droppersfull at a time ..I would ask her why and she would say " well mom , I was starting to get sick and I wanted to knock it out " LOL woo! hoo! at a girl
just thought I would testify a little LOL
thats wonderful though gal - congrats