Re: Goiter
My aunt is been living with an enlarged thyroid gland for 15 years . She's been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and has most of the symptoms . And she was put on 75 mg of Synthroid .Now she is planning a surgery to remove or reduce the hard ball on her neck . She was told she would then need to continue taking the medication for life . I heard hv talking about black walnut as a natural source of iodine which might help . How much of black walnut tincture she would need in case she want to give it a try . And beside , what else can she use on her neck to quickly reduce or remove the nodule .Thanks , any help would be appreciated .
First thing to keep in mind is that there is no single cause of hypothyroidism, and thus no one single herb or substance will treat all forms of hypothyroidism. This is why I tell people that if they go to an herbalist for hypothyroidism and they tell you to simply take seaweed for iodine you need to run from them. Iodine will help with some causes of hypothyroidism, but not all. And too much iodine can aggravate one common form of hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's thyroidosis.
This is why I prefer formulations to treat hypothyroidism since they can address the multiple causes and aspects of hypothyroidism.
For more information on the various causes of hypothyroidism and how the different herbs/supplements address hypothyroidism I recommend reading my Thyroid Tonic informational page:
Removing the thyroid and ending up on thyroid medications the rest of her life is not the way to go. One big problem with thyroid medications is that they are well known for causing breakdown of the bones.