4 days after getting amalgams replaced; feeling much better
So it has been only 4 days after getting my last silver filling replaced, but I am already seeing obvious improvements in my state of well being. I went off the candida diet two weekends in a row, including drinking beer AND eating sweets (ice cream and cheesecake) on both Friday and Saturday of last weekend, and my bowel movements did not go haywire like they used to. I also ate a ton of
Watermelon on both days and some sprouted grain English muffins with butter. All in all, while I still don't feel cured, I feel far more like a normal human being today than I have in a long time.
The only other explanation for my vast improvements recently is that I started taking 40,000iu of serrapeptase 3x/day along with nattokinase 1.5 weeks ago. So that could be part of it as well. Regardless, I must have done something right recently, because one year ago today I couldn't imagine eating like I did this weekend and not suffering consequences.
I am also starting Cutler chelation today with DMSA, so that may or may not put an end to my 'honeymoon' period of post-amalgam removal. Hopefully some of you will find eventual progress like I have!