I have a small growth that has started on my nose. Several years ago I had basal cell cancer on my arm and my scalp. I had a moh surgeon remove them and was left with a large scar and a dent in my scalp. I'm leaving in a few days for a 3 week vacation and can not have this removed and checked until I return.
Thanks to this forum, UNY and so many others my health is back on track for the most part. I won't be able to juice or do some of the other things I do on a regular basis while traveling. I am taking my superfood, cayenne, and adrenal support items with me.
I'm hoping for some suggestions on what I might be able to put on this growth on my nose. It is very small and I want to keep it that way. I read a bit about blood root but it sounds to harsh and risky. Any ideas?