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Tibetan Medicine-changing your thoughts about health
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Tibetan Medicine-changing your thoughts about health

Article 5-The Mysterious Thing About Tibetan Medicine
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Tibetan medicine is an almost unbelievable phenoninum that gives us information about the life process that nothing on this earth does. It is far more than my belief system in Tibetan medicine and is far bigger in concept that I could ever image something could be. Buddha lived 2550 years ago,550 years before Jesus and almost 1100 years before Mohammed. This is not about who came first and therefore is not really about your belief system. Buddha and Jesus and Mohammed have many, many things in common. "How" is when we define something and it is really not that but something else. The Chinese culture for as far back as possible has said that to know something is to define it, usually with a word. However when it comes to something regardless of eons of defining we have something else going on that is not what we thought. This is a very complicated introduction so please bear in mind the reasons for it when you come to the fruits of it. What was it that Buddha gave to his followers some 2550 years ago and why did he give this valuable information. The why part of the statement is rather simple- he wanted to aid with those that have pain and suffering and through that to total enlightenment. The "what" he gave is redefining who we are even to the present time- a constant re-defining of how energy works. Science was probably available in a rather crude state in Buddha’s time but Buddha gave information that constantly changes how we perceive all of our being including Science today. It may appear to be a unusual fluke that Tibetan medicine and Tibetan religion are one and the same. It is the only such manifestation on the entire planet. Is it by mistake or is it prophetic. I know for myself that in fact it is prophetic. But how it got to the Tibetans is very important. The Tibetan people at the time of Buddha were in fact very barbaric tribal people who were what we might call mean-spirited and totally self serving. So how did theTibetans get the information? For many centuries the Tibetan culture only existed as separate tribes influenced by the Bon tradition and mongolians. They too were very barbaric. In or around the year 704 A. D. the then king of Tibet assembled all the best doctors from many countries including India,China and others for a conference to decide on their best medical principles- thus the start of Tibetan medicine. This information from India came in the form of medicine from Buddha.
Because we cannot live in a past time and understand the history of that time for that times’ view we can only guess. There are thousands and thousands of books, writings and the like for centuries on top of centuries about why and what Buddha gave to the world. It in my opinion not only about theology,medicine, but also to me is about something we do not know exists in the way we see things in our reality. If you or I cannot experience by our senses such as taste,feel, smell etc we are left only with thought. But even with thought we can not even experience something. So we are in fact semi-conscious beings striving for the unknowable reasons to understand and be more conscious. Why do we do this. I really do not know. What happens when we strive? The one answer given by Buddhists is that through proper nutrition,behavior and religious belief we come to many, many different levels of consciouness that brings about rather trite phrase-"well-being". Well-being is no way the same as becoming enlightened. Why is all this seemingly rambling important to understand who you are? Because you are constantly changing the defintion of consciouness or lacking in consciouness. The more conscious you can become the more you see- both pleasure and pain.
Formulas, for example used in Tibetan medicine are in fact synergistic- meaning the parts are equal to more than the sum of the parts. So the concept of cause and effect are not valid. In Western cultures particularly we always look at cause and effect and rarely adventure into the root causes of something. So cause and effect thinking is very harmful to consciousness and enlightenment. We do not know why synergistic things work even with valid so-called scientific testing from the Western culture concept. One time a synergistic total may be such and such a total and another time an entirely different total. Western scientists say that if all the portions are the same then the total should be scientifically proven to be such and such a total. But it is not. "Why" is an impossible question to answer. It is not based on anything we have gained knowledge about by any scientific means. Why is the synergism concept important? It is a spring-board into trying to understand the many valuable insights into Tibetan medicine. Remember when you are talking about Tibetan medicine it cannot be separated from the entire Buddhist concepts. So from this point on when I state Tibetan medicine I am including all of Buddhist concepts of consciousness. A couples of questions that may help you to understand something so complex. Can a person in total consciousness "will" their own death at a particular time and date? This means without causing their own death by something that kills them. Can someone take what is in their consciousness and cause it to happen? A person might even ask "why" they would want to do that. Again something we can not understand from our Western concepts.This in fact hapened to Dr. Yeshi Dhonden when he was eight years old as he recounts in his book "Healing from the Source" 2000,ISBN#1-55939-148-0 on page 122-124. Dhonden was to help a old monk each day by providing him tea,cheese and some parched barley meal. On one day he did so the monk ate it but normally he would not clean his bowl after use. The monk cleaned his bowl and then asked what time it was. Dhonden told him. He replied" Oh,it's getting a bit to late".So Dhonden just sat there thinking that his tea was getting cold and going to waste.Then the old monk slumped over. Dhonden went over to him and found him dead.Dhonden felt quilty that maybe he had caused the death but was later assured by a high lama that in fact the old monk had a spiritual realization. The next experience was one year later when Dhonden volunteered to help another old monk. This monk encouraged Dhonden to study medicine not religion because a doctor could be of so much more help and a some lamas were very arrogant because of their knowledge. Around September of that year the old monk was all alone with only Dhonden in the monastery since all other monks had gone on annual picnics. The old monk asked Dhonden what the date was. Dhonden told him it was the sixth day of the month. The old monk didn't think so and got a calendar and checked to find that it was in fact the eighth. Later in the day the old monk told Dhonden he was going to his room and told Dhonden not to come in until all the other monks had returned from the picnics.The old monk said "just do it". After two days of Dhonden waiting by himself and then he decided to join the others at the picnic. This was the now the tenth day of the month. Dhonden did join the others at the picnic and several monks started asking Dhonden why he had left the old monk.Dhonden told them what the old monk had said. The monks knew what this meant. They all returned to the monastery and found the old monk in a meditative pose dead. So here are two specific examples of people willing their own deaths at even specific times through meditation.
How can one transcend to another level of understanding and see or hear things that are pertinent to their well-being? We in the West call this clairvoyance or even schizophrenic behaviors caused by something in the brain. But what if I told you it came from meditation. Meditation,in its good form, is the active pursuit of a higher level of consciousness by thoughts. Which thoughts? How long before we see changes in our consciousness? We in the West always seem to ask how long and what do we have to do as if it is again cause and effect. It is not cause and effect. When you mix energies together you get all kinds of different totals of consciousness. Where is this extra energy coming from. Wow, this sets up something that has been protected for you by an outside force energy that is called Buddha. The entire principle of re-incarnation is based on different energies from a different time coming to a different time, place and mixing with other energies. Then the totals of the sum of the parts is infinity. Many people seem to think this is only a theological belief but even the Holy Bible speaks of re-incarnation. It is about states of energy that give consciousness. Many semi-conscious people would probably want to have a second chance at life but if they were not enlightened in this life they will continually have rebirths until they work their way up to total enlightenment. So they best think again about the consequences of their actions and thoughts in this here and now. This protective energy is what I feel gives so many unbelievable histories of human-kind that do no fit into little boxes in our thinking.
If you ask Dr. Yeshi Dhonden if he is clairvoyant he will say "no I am not". If you ask him if he can know he comes from 45 generations of doctors in his family before him and use their energies, he would say" I can not even remember what I had for breakfast yesterday". So he says he cannot tap into past energies.(These are all quotes fron his book BY DR. YESHI DHONDEN: HEALING FROM THE SOURCE,ISBN 1-55939-148-0, PUBLISHED IN 2000 by Snow Lion Publications). However every patient he sees- even before he sees them he is doing meditation. Also even though he may be asking you questions he is meditating. Even the prepation of the medical herbal formulas he is meditating over those. He is tapping into his own ability to seek out other energies to help you in pain and suffering. So he says that past energies he can not do but others things he can. He is what is callled and adept lama-doctor. it is very similiar to the two monks who willed their own deaths.

Also starting on page 127 through page 159 Dhonden speak of how people get AIDS and cancer. There are two ancient texts from around the year 745AD and these even go back directly to Buddha's high meditative state of knowledge 2550 years ago which tell of specific microorganisms in every human being. These texts talk about 18 microorganisms and infectious diseases. In the blood of all humans are 7 minute microorganisms that circulate in the blood that are not detrimental to the human but when a foreign microorganism joins with one of these 7 in the body then we have disease and the disease is very specific. AIDS comes from the same foreign microorganism from the lac tree (lac tree is used for making lacquer-like paint). It is rather involved but read what he says. The next microorganism infiltration come from the air we breathe. Microorganisms now exist in the air that join with one of those 7 microorganisms and we have cancer as a result. Some may say well we know cigarette smoke will cause cancer so what is the big deal. The big deal is that by changing how the one microorganism in the body was effected we change the cancer state and that is a very big deal. I always ask myself. Even if someone made up all this stuff it is too wild and imaginative to ever come up with these thoughts. Even some adept lama-doctors can see some of the larger 7 microorganism with the naked eye and other are absolutely impossible to see without a high-power microscope. They did not have microscopes in 745 so how did they know they existed? Buddha's knowledge. Dr. Yeshi Dhonden's treatments of cancer are not his. They are what Buddha said to do. Paradigm after paradigms shifts here and there. This is truly knowledge never known to the Western world. And guess what- it is not about power,greed, control or any non-virtuous things. It is about lessening pain and suffering in any living creature. Knowledge with the correct purpose and intent. So I am not a 13 year old kid seeing something for the first time and being amazed. I am totally and completely overwhelmed that that knowledge is there and pain can be lessened. Now do see why a monk in Mongolia or Tibet would bury these ancient texts in hundreds of feet of soil to protect them for invasions by China or the like. It is indeed knowlege no one has. The monk knows that and also knows its importance for lessening pain too with love,compassion and the correct knowledge. Dhonden has very good results with cancer and even AIDS. Why? I just gave you the reasons. There is 0% female Breast Cancer in Tibet. So a Western scientist would first say "well lets go find those tiny 7 microorganisms". Wrong from the beginning thought. We do it all the time and do not realize how ignorant we really are. We in the West tell our children" pay attention,stay focused on some sort of intellectual endeavor and Dhonden does it on a much higher spiritual level. The two examples are light-years apart and at opposite ends of the spectrum. How can one be here and not be here as with Dhonden talking to someone and meditating at the same time? Yes indeed, extrordinarily difficult. All from controlling the mind with purpose and intent with virtue. If this is beauty then I want a whole bunch.

We in the West put a great of stock in genetics of your parents or grandparents genetics but fail to realize the Tibetans are talking about evolutionay genetics. Genetics if you like are from thousand and thousand of generations and all the energies, including thoughts,of all those thousands of generations. So when a Tibetan doctor finds a person who has so-called mental illness and the doctor states that it is from the demons of such and such a type he is saying that past karmic influences are present now at this time in the person. Seems far-fetched but you have to remember that these people are healed with this concept and have been for over 1200 years. In this case they are healed by very specific religious tantras given by special lamas that understand the specific demon they are dealing with and what to do make the mentally ill person well, as well as with special herbs. You could take all the herbs until the end of time and still not help the mentally ill person. Herbs in this case are totally secondary and the demons are dealt with basically by the high lama- religious teacher. There are 18 of these demonic(energy) causes of mental illnesses in Tibetan medicine. There are other times when the mentally ill person may have only organic problems of imbalances of the three humors(organic causes). Even then the doctor who is also very religious and was taught and daily practices of meditations is using his own high level of awareness to add to herbs,foods, behavioral advise and tantras the person should do . The doctor in the preparation of herbal formulas is doing extensive specific meditations for specific formulas so you have herbs and thoughts. Each one by itself will not work.
In 1950 when the Chinese invaded Tibet they destroyed many valuable texts of medicines and religious texts. They outlawed all religious ceremonies of doctors doing meditations and prayers over medical formulas. Then the Chinese found out the medicines did not work as well and in some cases not at all . Then they instructed the Tibetan doctors to go back to their mantras and meditations over the herbs and found the medicine then worked. You also have to remember the Chinese government does not bend that much in admitting they are wrong.
So now you have three things basic to Tibetan medicine- synergism,evolutionary genetics (for lack of a better word) and thought or mantras-prayers over a substance. Any or all can not be proven in the Western scientific experiments so to the West they do not exist. Total and complete stupitity. Thought is the one I am interested in most. The phrase you are what you think you are has many problems attached to it. So please do not think this way. Evolutionary is far more than genetics and in fact a very unusual thing that happens with Tibetan doctors is that they come from many generations –as many as 100 or more in some cases. That doctor now has not only his training now but the genetic connection with thoughts and consciousness of past generations trying to solve the problems of pain and suffering. So you even have doctors in three classes- unsurpassed,expert and ordinary. Yes the unsupassed in a very special class and it is said they communicate directly with the Buddha and therefore the doctor’s knowledge is unsurpassed. Even expert doctors ,some are clairvoyant and thus do not have to talk to a patient and tell the patient how to heal with medications,behaviors and meditations. Most all doctors in Tibet or India are now expert or ordinary with a few exceptions for unsurpassed. Even though Yeshi Dhonden does not even say he is clairvoyant I personally feel he is in fact an unsurpassed doctor. So if thought is energy ,which it is, then you have indeed the most powerful tool to wellness in the history of civilization. The mind with its thoughts and higher and higher levels of awareness allow for less and less pain and suffering in the individual and for others as well. There is no other medicine in the entire world that even has one particle of this knowledge except Indian ayurvedic, the original spring-board to Tibetan medicine and Chinese medicine that in fact stole accupuncture and moxibustion from Tibetan medicine. Yes Tibetan medicine is extremely complex but the first thing one must do is to change so-called paradigms of thinking first. More to come

TIBETAN MEDICINE rGyud-bZhi The Four Tantras ( pronounced "goo-shee") given by Buddha 2550 years ago.The first evidence of a translation was in the 8th centuryin Tibet, but around 1000 A.D. in India, and had been by oral tradition prior to that time. There are many similarities to Indian ayurvedic medicine but many striking differences as well. They are two different approches to human health. Only the first two Tantras of the Four Trantas have been translated in english.I once talked to Dr. Barry Clark, the only non-Tibetan to become a full Tibetan doctor and I asked him about translating Tantras Three and Four. He has already translated Tantra One and Two for his book but stated that to translate Tantra Three and Four would be a lifetime project- especially because of the herbal formulas with so many different names for plant species. Maybe someday, someone will undertake this immense project. Dr. Barry Clark's book is "The Quintessence Tantras of Tibetan Medicine" 1995, ISBN # 1-55939-009-3( complete Tantras I and II. Other extraordinary books on Tibetan medicine: Dr Yeshi Dhonden's "The Ambrosian Heart Tantra" 1977,ISBN # 81-85102-92-9 (Tantra I and 15 chapters of Tantras II).Dr. Yeshi Dhonden's book" Healing from the Source", 2000,ISBN # 1-55939-148-0 (from conferences he has held and information indirectly from all the Four Tantras by his answers),Terry Clifford's book" Tibetan Buddhist Medicine and Psychiatry",1990,ISBN #0-87728-714-4,(Chapters 77,78,79 fromTantra III, and Rechung Rinpoche's book "Tibetan Medicine",1973,ISBN # 0-520-03048-6 (Tantras 2 and first two chapters of Tantra Four, plus the history of the greatest doctor, gYu-thog-the elder). All can be purchased from Snow Lion Publications. So if you have all these books you would have all chapters in Tantras I,II and chapters 1,2,77,78,79 from Tantra IV. These are important but we still need all the other chapters translated into english as well. There are 156 chapters total and this only equals a total of 42 chapters.
The word Tantra means lineage or history. In Tantras One and Two there are 6 plus 31 chapters to equal 37 chapters and in Tantras Three and Four there are 119 chapters which are very,very complicated. There is the additional problem that the texts are in the Tibetan language which is extremely difficult to learn and then translate it into the english language.
Please do not think you will ever learn to be a Tibetan doctor unless you study the entire medical history which includes all the Buddhist religious training and have a high Tibetan doctor as you mentor for many years. It takes anywhere from 18 to 25 years of study and tutorship before you can be a Tibetan doctor. However, there are many things to be learned from the readings avaiable that will hopefully change many concepts about giving you better health. So this another reason why Tibetan doctors are so revered in Tibetan society. They not only have learned the medical aspects but also the religious aspects as well- both are together. You have to remember that all final exams and all learning is from memory. You memorize all things period. Even just learning, say for example, urinalysis is extremely complicated but then pulse exams for 6 different pulses of each wrist that indicate your internal organs and how they are working or not working is absolutely mindblogging. Urinalysis and pulse exams and a whole hosts of things are only Tibetan and are not ayurvedic. These two exams alone are only part of the basis of Tibetan medicine. When you comes to herbs as medicines it is huge.
Enjoy what you can understand but do not feel that you are stupid if you cannot grasp what Tibetan medicine is telling you. You are not stupid but Tibetan medicine is so complicated and interwoven with so many things it had to have come from somewhere by means of some super intellegence. The Tibetans tell us Buddha and I in fact believe it either came from Buddha or some Higher Being for certain. You must also remember that Tibetan medicine also works for its people and that is the biggest asset. So if you want to learn the Tibetan language, study and memorize all the Four Tantras and extra texts, then have a mentor for 5-7 years please be my guest. No one in the West except Barry Clark has ever done it. When I spoke to him he said he would not have the energy now to do it. It was unbelievably difficult. Do not be confused by seemingly simple chapter heading- there is a great deal of information- almost all never thought of in Western medicine.
There a few Tibetan doctors in the San Francisco Bay area and one in Boston,one in Toronto, and Yeshi Dhonden,the premiere doctor, comes to this country twice a year to New York and Boston for short periods of time. If you can get to a Tibetan doctor by all means do so. They have great results with almost all disease and even cancer,AIDS, and the very complicated diseases as well. You must remember that even though they are Tibetan doctors they are foremost people of high religious beliefs that wish to remove pain and suffering so that you may become spiritually enlightened in this lifetime. I personally have the greatest respect for Tibetan doctors-to me they are not just great doctors but spirtual guides to ultimate bliss through enlightenment.
The only speciality is the complete human organism- there is not such a thing as an eye doctor,heart doctor or many other specialties as in allopathic-Western medicine. The concept of "total body" is extremely important. In Western medicine doctors do not realize that causes come from the entire organism. If you have ,for example, heart disease it may come from at least 20 different areas in the human organism.So looking at specific organ systems or specifics is very wrong. Disturbing one specific can and does lead to disturbing many other aspects of the body as well. So a so-called little heart pill can and does disturb many functions in the entire body and yet the Western doctor says it caused the person to feel better and they prove it made the heart better but at a huge cost to the body in other ways that will show up later in many manifestations and many are even more life threating than the original heart problem. One has to remember the body can not read the pharmaceutical drug molecular structure- it is not plant,animal molecules and thus the body attempts to expell it as foreign matter in the body- but at a huge cost and more illnesses.
Another aspect of Tibetan medicine is that even through PH levels, histamine levels,neurotransmitters levels,high blood pressure, chlolesterol and all the like that Western medicine concentrates on are simply bi-products of balancing the three humors. How is possible for people in the West to be so caaught up in details to miss conceptual thinking about the organism. If you can change the entire organism in Tibetan medicine then all the specifics in Western medicine are automatically put in balance.

1)Things that we have been taught or have learned are not at all what we think they should be in Tibetan medicine. In the West we are taught to use our senses of smell, taste, feel, see and hear but in Tibetan medicine these senses may indicate different results. One major change of thinking is that we are first spiritual beings on a short journey we call life. 2)Then all other things are added or distracted from that spirtuality of this life.
This is a huge change of thinking that many,many Westerners have because they were taught to protect their concept of God. 3)God does not need to be protected. He or she or whatever energy it is doesn't need us humans as the Higher Being protection and we could not do it anyway. 4)If people in the West use the first book in the Bible, Genesis as a learning experience one immediatley sees that the Bible states that we are all created in the image of God- God in us and we are part of God. Yes we forget this all the time. That is why we are always in some form of what may be called sin- the human part- not the God part of us. 5) If we are part of God and God is part of us that is exactly what the Tibetans have been given by Buddha 2550 years ago. 6)Many Westerners are afraid of even the word Buddha because Westerners think that implies you are not Christian or Jewish in your beleif system. Totally the opposite. God's message is for all His or Her people which includes all Tibetans,tribal peoples or anyone on this planet. God created "all" not just some people. The Tibetans or more correctly every Christain or Jew on this planet should be very thankful and praise the Tibetans for trying to follow Buddha's teachings that are exactly what Jesus stated as "follow me,I am your savior". 7)The Buddhist belief is in no way contradictory to Jesus in anyway and in fact amplifies what Christians should strive to be. Dust to Dust. You were made from dust and return to dust. 8)The Tibetans say that you have been here before and will be here again in a different life. That last phrase is in no way is contradictory to Christianity but is an amplification of Christian thought-living in paradise. God or Higher Being is energy (for the lack of a better word since no human has the capacity to define that Higher Being because we are not that Higher Being) so we must understand this energy from all views possible. 9)People go around for century after century defining what God is and what God is not. In reality it is a waste of time because we are not God or that Higher Being and none of our definitons make any sense anyway. Any religious belief system is there to teach all creatures to search- search for something that the Higher Being has placed before us.
10) Some search,some say they are searching and use the Higher Being for manipulating their own egos and the like, and others simply do no searching at all. Spirtuality can not be measured by smell,touch,taste,feel,see, or hearing -yet we know in our minds it is real to our preception and important to us. 11)So here comes along Buddha who states that to understand our spirtuality it is in the our minds and Christians and Jews get all upset because they think the Buddhists are anti God or Higher Being. The principle in Genesis states we are part of God and God is part of us. 12)Therefore just to rely only on God is actually insulting the God that is within us. Thought -depth can not be measured yet it exists. God exists yet we can not measure it. How is this possible? Spirtuality is in fact in the mind (not the intellectual mind) of each of us as the God part of each of us.God or Higher Being has given us laws and rules to follow to acheieve a higher level of Spirituality through searching through our minds to see God or Higher Being through our minds.
Remember thought is far more meaningful and powerful than any sense such as smell,taste,hear and seeing etc. Buddha gave this to each of us Christian,Jew,Shinto, or whatever belief system you belong to. 13) Then one has to ask the question of how to get the mind to preceive of God's or Higher Being's wishes,desire and directions for us as humans. Guess what the Buddhist do exactly that and it is between you and your God or Higher Being.
Protestants thank Martin Luther for having the insight into Christianity to say that all people should be able to speak directly to God or Higher Being instead of others speaking for us such as a priest or others. Buddha told us that 2550 years ago. No one until Martin Luther listened and Martin Luther had to have come to a higher mind -transmission of his spiritual being to come to this conclusion. How did he do it. He may not have even known Buddha existed but he did it the same way. He may have called it prayer and the Buddhists call it meditation- one in the same if prayer is about your relationship with your own mind to communicate with the Higher Being. 14) It is not the same as a simple prayer but mind-altering depth of deep prayer or meditation that allows this. It is activating the God within you given by God and Higher Being. It has always been there yet you do not know it. Why were we not shown the way. You were but wanted the easy way out of searching. Searching is not a once in awhile propoistion. It has to be always there first and always first.
15)There are many obstructions to getting to mind -depth that allows us to recognize a Higher Being. Just to name a few are ego,perminance (thinking we live forever),ignorance, and of course all the laws violated against other humans in action,deed and thought. 16) Ego and ignorance are not emphasized as much as it should be in Western culture. Ususally everyone wants ego but ego is in direct violation of communicating with the God or Higher Being within us. How do you develop as a spiritual being without ego. Another paradigm shift of gigantic proportion. Ego and even self image are very destructive because the human feels he can tell God or Higher Being that he or she knows who they are and even demand results from the God or Higher Being within himself or herself. This is totally and completely crazy thinking yet from the beginning of time people have done this exact thing. Every action or deed or thought that has "I or me" attached to it is a violation of mind-depth communication. 17) Our good actions,deed,and thoughts are our springboard to mind-depth communication. People in the West always seem to want a payback for their search of mind-depth communications. 18) This is cause and effect or dualism which does not happen in deep meditation or prayer because it is a total not given by us but as a means or future searching given by God or Higher Being. In otherwords we think it is cause and effect but it is process- energy movement manisfestations we can not understand. There are many cause and effect things in human states of how we treat others but not with God or Higher being.
Dualism in Western thought is huge and seemingly controls all of our actions,deeds and thoughts yet we do not listen to the effect part of the equation and we cause great pain to others. We are never in control (and that is not the correct word). Yet we attempt to delude ourselves into thinking we are important and ego-centered and thus can control all actions,deeds and thoughts. Ridiculous thinking or lack of thinking. People in the West do not wish to invest very much and yet want a huge payback. Not possible. We think we can determine the payback because we are God. Totally stupity. So ego is accompanied by ignorance. Ignorance is the inability to experience all things- pains and suffering, ,joys and pleasure and attempt to identify with all things God or Higher Being has placed for us to learn of our own individual spiritual responsibilty. All pain and suffering as well as joy and beauty are required for ignorance to be diminished and some small degree of awareness of who we are individually as a spiritual being- one of God's or Higher Being's parts within us. Some want the pleasure-joy part and not the pain and suffering part. This is based on ego. Pain and suffering will always be there and always has been there in ourselves by our lack of spiritual development or awareness. So everything God or Higher Being is not for you to decide God's wishes to destroy something Gods has told us is of importance to Him or Her. 19) So by choosing only to see one aspect of your being you are very defintely in a ego box. Many people are taught from the Bible that we only live once. I do not in anyway remember reading only that in the Bible. Eternal life may imply to some that this means we only live once but I do not think it is true. 20)Everlasting life is the phrase that is stated time after time. Even the word everlasting means something that has "process or going on". The Bible does not say we only live one life after dieing from this life and live with God. It says "everlasting life with God". So if again you interpret for God or Higher Being you get in to trouble with your human thinking. You are attempting to use your mind from an ego point of view to prove you have the answers for God. To meditate or pray in deep-mind altering dimensions requires you to pray or meditate for all of God's or Higher Being's creatures too. Yes that means all your enemies, hateful ones, unaware ones- the meaniest, most disturbed of life too. Sounds like the same that Jesus,Moses, Mohammed and others have said too. To not acknowledge God's Allness is based on your ego controlling your thoughts- plain and simple. Even today just for people to recognize that they do not have to mention their enemies is a problem. Hatred is not in any religious belief. Hatred is totally based on ego and ignorance. So if you think you can sidetrack this part of your prayer or meditation - you cannot because you have a major ego problem that gets in your way toward personal striving for spirituality. The old phrase " love your neighbor as yourself" is in fact based on getting away from your own ego. THIS IS IN ALL SPIRTUAL BELIEFS SYSTEMS IN THE WORLD.
If I interject two things that I see in my world. I see ego and ignorance as the biggest problems for all humanity. These two alone plus many,many other obstructions to individual spirtuality cause massive suffering and pain and no joy and beauty in this life period. We are not conscious much less have a desire to search for mind-depth communication with God or Higher Being. WE HAVE NOT EVEN GOTTEN TO TIBETAN MEDICINE BECAUSE ALL OF THESE AND MORE THOUGHTS ARE DIRECTLY RELATED TO TIBETAN MEDICINE. THERE ARE SO MANY SHIFTS IN PARADIGM THINKING THAT IS IS A WONDER WE COULD HAVE BEEN SO STUPID,ARROGANT,EGO-CENTERED, MISGUIDED BY ALL THAT EVEN A FEW WOULD HAVE SEEN WHAT BUDDHA WAS TRYING TO SHOW US. So hang in there- much more to come.Tibetan medicine has three main parts that allow humans to have good health and from good health they can achieve spirtuality. These three are diet,behavior, and meditation ( or deep-prayer). Behavior can be read in any religious belief system in the world. Not just proverbs and sayings or laws but the implementation of good behavior. Tibetan medicine does not classify behavior as causing stress on the organism but good behavior does very emphatically reduce stress and create a calm body reaction and the cells work properly. Behavior in Tibetan medicine is looked at from the prespective of pain and suffering in others. By attempting to be kind in your behavior you directly influence you own body. So by "giving good you receive good". Is this again our complete studipity to see a God or Higher Being law to be good to others and you will be good to yourself- an acknowledgement of the God within us.
WHEN I GET TO THE END OF THIS ARTICLE YOU WILL READILY SEE WHY TIBETAN MEDICINE DOES NOT SEPARATE MEIDICNE FROM SPIRITUALITY. IT WILL BE OBVIOUS. As I stated in my book about biochemical imbalances it is impossible to say you are biochemically balanced and "love the neighbor on one side of where you live and hate the neighbor on the other side". That is manipulation of your thoughts to fit your own needs coming from biochemical imbalance. So thoughts and deed-action are a huge part of Tibetan medicine that causes good health for all- those giving and those receiving. God or Higher Being laws are there to protect us but we ignore them and we have diseases. Simple as that. When have you ever had a Western doctor tell you that? What are these laws? If you attempt to put these laws in catagories then you are already attempting to manipulate God's or Higher Being's laws for your health. Yes there is a difference between murder and a verbal slap toward your neighbor but to say you are not a murderer and thus do not climb up your own personal ladder of awareness then you too will have pain and suffering and diseases and give pain and suffering to others by your behavior. Behavior as in the Buddhist belief system is very, very difficult to be taught in the Western world today because of all the things that are indeed alien to good behavior. There are still tribes of people thoughout the world even in 2008 that do not have the major diseases the West has.
Some say it is because of their diet. Yes it is but also their behavior and their spirtual beliefs systems too. So we get back to our ego and ignorance- our diet,behavior and spirtual awareness. Every moment of this living life even in our dreams we have the capacity to create good thoughts for others in pain and suffering and thus reflect joy and pleasure in ourselves. This type of joy and pleasure is not ego-based but a benefit of helping others with our good behavior. If we even think that because we help others is still a ego-based problem if we give with the expectation of good things that come back to us. Again the Bible or any belief system- "give what you can give with all your heart"- you may not have much but you gave from the heart. So purpose and intent are major reasons why Tibetan medicine works also. Without purpose and intent it does not work. Purpose and intent are thoughts we arrive at from spiritual awareness over many deep-meditations or deep prayer. One cannot simply say "oh I meditated last week and that is enough. Every conscious moment of your life should be in thinking to bring all pain and suffering to a lesser degree. Even in our dreams we have the capacity for the subconscious mind to help us understand our awareness. What we think before we retire to sleep does give us new thoughts when we arise. The more confused we become the more confused we become. The more awareness we have will lead to more awareness. Sounds simple but it is not.
Awareness requires purpose and intent and obedience to knowledge given by God or Higher Being- not interpted by us. It is pure knowledge but when we get our hands on it it seems to be human manipulation. Our consciousness is our means of utilizing our obedience to see truths that were not even there before in our awareness. So in Tibetan medicine doctors always have purpose and intent and are in fact attempting to communicate before they see you as a patient,while they are listening to you and even after you have left the room and even the medical preparations they will give for your disease. Tibetan doctors many times because of their high spirtual development are even clairvoyant and can tell what your problem diseases are without even talking with you. This is because of the high level of spirtuality. How did some develop this and other Tibetan doctors not develop it. Even with Tibetans doctors there are classes of levels of awareness that can help you with your disease. How some develop high spiritual development is only a guess- I think it defintely has to do with past energies or a scare word to Westerners- karma or reincarnated energies of past peoples. So behavior of the doctor is extremely important. So behavior,behavior,behavior.
Many Westerners are so afraid of the unknown that they will not even believe that it is possible. Not only is it possible but has been going on for some 1300 years in documented cases throughout the 1300 years. It is not new. It has also aided the Tibetan people with all kinds of diseases for 1300 years. Tibetan medicine is not the "new kid on the block". So how you act in thoughts and actions are one part of disease as seen through Tibetan medicine. If it didn't work I am certain that the Tibetan people would have changed it years ago. How is that behavior and meditation have allowed some Tibetans to live on the three simple "precious nutrient pills" for years with no food. No food only these pills each day and meditation. It happens even now and has for some 1300 years. How is that a woman ,Dr. Yeshi Dhonden knew as a young child, only took herbs and herbal tea- little food- and lived to be 180 years old in very good health. Seems crazy to us but it happened. How can the conscious mind be that powerful? How? It is far more than "mind over matter". It is so complex that even some high spirtual lamas have difficulty in getting to that level within themselves. It will not be something you or I can do in a weekend - to be rather rude. It may or may not become the greatest thing that has happened to mediecine in the history of humankind in the future. There is what is called transmission of energies that I hope will one day get to the point where this huge energy of the special medititators can give to others. It is here in Tibetan medicine to some degree now but I am additionally talking about a thought from a special transmission person who can make your disease dimish or go away. Then one has to ask if all pain and suffering in the world is gone then what? I do not think it is possible to eradicate all pain and suffering so my above question is meaningless.
When I wrote my book on biochemical imbalances and bad behavior back in 1998 I have always felt that behavior was and is governed by whatever biochemical reactions are present in the body at a particular nano-second. I still believe that but I do also know that the conscious mind is the controller of even those biochemicals. Yes yogi will reduce stress and lower the central nervous system CNS goes down to around 8 and the earth crust vibration is 0. Normal people have 20-30 CNS vibtrations and schizophrenics as high as 60-80 CNS vibtrations, and the heart rates go down, the body functions are minimal and we have great cellular growth but I am talking about an entirely different level of conscious mind with deep- prayer or meditation. It is very complicated to expalin in words how the conscious mind on a high level works. Very few have achieved it and yes they give others this information but very few people can "get there". So in the case of Dr. Yeshi Dhonden he had 45 generations of doctors in his family before him going back to the twelth century with all this karmic energy in some fashion in him. But he had to develop his own awareness from even this great gift. Also one cannot imply that just because someone is reincarnated that they will be a Tibetan. There may be a worm,snake,deer, or other human thousands of miles away in an entirely different culture. Yet the evolutionary genetics part is in Yeshi Dhonden and that is still remarkeable. So behaviors and thoughts by some 300, 600, or even 800 years ago are available to Yeshi Dhonden. He still has to come to the level of awarenss himself to be able to utilize it. So when I say behavior it is not just being good but so many more facets of how we are good- purpose and intent, spiritual awareness, and even evolutionary genetics. What a guide to another level of thinking and we are only looking at disease and have not even approached the real reason for not wanting disease in the first place- our own personal relationship with God or Higher Being.
I will give you some extraordinary findings from Tibetan medicine that to us make no sense whatsoever. Things like having to wear glasses is a direct result of a certain form of bile humor disease in the liver- kidneys. What Western doctor ever thought to look at the liver-kidneys and see that it caused eye diseases. In fact there are 32 diseases of the eyes that are listed in Tibetan medicine that come from the bile humor disease in the liver-kidneys. Absolutley remarkeable. Don't even ask how- I simply do not know, but they do.
Tibetan medicine has three main parts that allow humans to have good health and from good health they can achieve spirtuality. These three are diet,behavior, and meditation ( or deep-prayer).
Diet is based on the the balance of three humors or energies that have different functions and act on different areas of the body even though all three balanced humors work together.One way you might look at food is that the same food may be good for you, other foods you eat will be posion or by itself may eaten at the wrong time of the year and cause problems which throws off the balance of the three humors. Also foods that may be good for you may be posion for others. So simply eating is turned into a major problem for people in the West. WESTERNERS ARE VERY IGNORANT WHEN IT COMES TO FOOD.



This last one is really difficult to believe we in the West have missed it. Herbs and spiritual thought together to give long life with no ilness until the end of life. I quote from Dr. Yeshi Dhonden's book "Health Through Balance",1986,ISBN# 0-937938-25-4 Here is from page 212-213 about rejuvenation pills(9 kinds). "In Tibet,there were many accounts of people who suceeded at this practice; even though old,they became young again, living a hundred thirty or a hundred fifty years. Nowadays there is one ge-shay(high level scholar) in Hla-sa whose body became younger through this practice; he lives without eating coarse food.merely taking this medicine. Everyday he takes the medicine three times- a large pill(about the size of a bubble gum ball) each time. Later in a paragraph " If it is manufactured well and the person does the meditation well, signs emerge: the body becomes younger; white hair turns to black again,and even new teeth can come in.If in the future years you did take more,you would improve even more". Later on page 213 he speaks of: "A reincarnation of Ma-ji-lap-dron lived to be one hundred and eighty; it has been only about twenty-five years since her death. She used a type of essence-extract that is taken with food. I met her a number of times". Now I will quote from Dr. Yeshi Dhonden's book "Healing from the Source,2000,ISBN#1-55939-148-0 "Tibetan medicine can be especially effective in treating various types of wind (humor) disorders,including a wide range of disorders of the nervous system. The existence of these winds, or vital energies, is not even acknowledged in modern medicine,so it tends to be weak in this area. For example, from a Tibetan perspective, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease are both wind disorders, for which Western medicine is not particularly effective, whereas Tibetan medication can be very helpful.Tibetan medicine has also proven effective for many bile disorders, including hepatitis,which can be completely cured. On the other hand, in case serious infections and trauma, as in the case of automobile accidents,Western medicine is the best system on the planet. In such cases,one should take Western medical treatment first, and if some problem lingers after such treatment,one may take Tibetan medicine,which works slowly but may heal the problem from the source".
Dr.Yeshi Dhoden was for 18 years the Dalai Lama’s doctor. Dhoden (now 82) when he was mere child met a woman nun then 131 years old. She died when she was 180 years old. She has been death about 25 years now as per Dhonden.So if my figures are correct she was born in 1803 and died in 1983. The age is not the unusual thing. The unusual thing is that she only took herbs and herbal tea (essence-extracts pills) and a little food from a late age on and meditated which relaxed her central nervous system. Because the Tibetan culture is so homogenous- meaning they know who did "what and when" for over 1200 years. They knew when this person was born and when she died. She was in great health until the last month of her life. Obviously she had delayed her cell divisions and she had a long healthy life. These are the key words- long and healthy not just a long life. One has to wonder what the purpose and intent of her long life was. Obviously she had a reason to have lived that long in good health. So we think we figure out life and do not even begin to touch the "unknowable truths" from some Higher Being. Also one has to wonder at a Tibetan who only eats brown barley, a piece of bread and water or tea for breakfast,works all day then has leek soup,bread and tea at night and lives to be 90 or so. Why? Because their central nervous system is working properly in a relaxed state. So I am totally and completely convienced that thought in the form of deep meditation is the greater key to health than even food. But to access that degree of deep-thought meditation is very ,very difficult. Yet the Tibetans could and do offer it free of charge because of their sincere hope that each of us individually will find peace and health within us as creatures of worth for humanity and rise to a higher level of Higher Being energy for all time.
Can a person in total consciousness "will" their own death at a particular time and date? This means without causing their own death by something that kills them. Can someone take what is in their consciousness and cause it to happen? A person might even ask "why" they would want to do that. Again something we can not understand from our Western concepts.This in fact hapened to Dr. Yeshi Dhonden when he was eight years old as he recounts in his book "Healing from the Source" 2000,ISBN#1-55939-148-0 on page 122-124. Dhonden was to help a old monk each day by providing him tea,cheese and some parched barley meal. On one day he did so the monk ate it but normally he would not clean his bowl after use. The monk cleaned his bowl and then asked what time it was. Dhonden told him. He replied" Oh,it's getting a bit to late".So Dhonden just sat there thinking that his tea was getting cold and going to waste.Then the old monk slumped over. Dhonden went over to him and found him dead.Dhonden felt guity that maybe he had caused the death but was later assured by a high lama that in fact the old monk had a spiritual realization. The next experience was one year later when Dhonden volunteered to help another old monk. This monk encouraged Dhonden to study medicine not religion because a doctor could be of so much more help and a some lamas were very arrogant because of their knowledge. Around September of that year the old monk was all alone with only Dhonden in the monastery since all other monks had gone on annual picnicks. The old monk asked Dhonden what the date was. Dhonden told him it was the sixth day of the month. The old monk didn't think so and got a calendar and checked to find that it was in fact the eighth. Later in the day the old monk told Dhonden he was going to his room and told Dhonden not to come in until all the other monks had returned from the picnics.The old monk said "just do it". After two days of Dhonden waiting by himself decided to join the others at the picnic. This was the now the tenth day of the month. Dhonden did join the others at the picnic and several monks started asking Dhonden why he had left the old monk.Dhonden told them what the old monk had said. The monks knew what this meant. They all returned to the monastery and found the old monk in a meditative pose dead. So here are two specific examples of people willing their own deaths at even specific times through meditation.
In the West we are amazed at the age. I personally am amazed at the worth and guidance of such a woman who gave so much of purpose and intent to life by her being. She and others prove ,if you want in so-called "scientific terms," that thought is more useful and powerful than substances. But all things must have "purpose and intent" and even then the correct purpose and intent. Is purpose and intent given by some Higher Being or do we develop it with the Higher Being? I simply do not know. So the next time a situation of any kind arises in your mind you might ask yourself about the purpose and intent of that thought and its everlasting definition for then and all future of all creatures. This is not simply philosphical thinking but very practical respect for deep-thought and what it can do for good or bad simply by our intentions even without any action. So the complete process of thought may start with the purpose and intent of harvesting the herbs, the thoughts of praise and meditation over these herbs, then preparing the herbs and all the mantra deep-meditations over the herbs, then giving it to someone who has prepared through their deep meditations and continued deep meditations and we get an amazing look at our Higher Being in full truth because of our purpose and intent from the beginning. Yes it went through various processes and various individuals all with deep-meditations and one would assume the final person is the recipient of these deep meditations but all have seen their Higher Being in some form through their deep meditations along the way. There is no history of thought taught,learned anywhere on this planet that I know of that does this. So it is not about medicine and health but far more than that. Medicine and health are the mere bi-products of the complete process of deep-metitation with purpose and intent. To me it is without question the most beautiful experience one could have as a human- to know you experienced part of the Higher Being and you as a human are in full recoginiton of that experience. Now tell me the world would not be a better place for all creatures if we could get people to understand and sincerely, without any manipulation, have this experience available to them. It does not happen and will not happen and pain and suffering go on. The woman nun is more than perhaps even she knew or maybe she did know. At any rate it is more than life itself to me.
I do not think I have been hood-winked into thinking Tibetan medicine is so great. I do know it works. Do I know how it works- only very minimally. Do I have purpose and intent to sharing this knowledge-yes. Do I undersatnd this purpose and intent- not completely. Do I feel I have been here on earth before- yes to some degree but have no way of accesing it yet. Will I try to access it-yes very defintely. Do I hope the knowledge that I am simply a messenger of has value for you-certainly I do. Are we as all creatures better for my attempt- I hope so. Am I doing it without ego manipulation-I hope so. Will I ever see any benefit in others- maybe and maybe not but my purpose and intent are most important for me.
5900 verses in 156 chapters
1 Introduction-how the Buddha transformed into Medicine Buddha and gave this teaching
2 Enumeration of topics
3 the basis of disease-Simile of the Tree of Health and Disease
4 diagnosis and symptoms
5 methods of healing
6 enumeration of metaphors-recap of above chapters

1 synthesis of Explanatory Tantra
2 the way the body develops(the causes of formation)(conditions which assist development)(signs of birth)
3 smilies of the body
4 anatomy of the body
5 characteristics of th body
6 types of body and functioning-actions and classifications of the body
7 signs of approaching death
8 the causes of illinesses
9 condictions contributing to illnesses
10 the manner of entrance of illinesses-ways of entrance of disease
11 charateristics of illnesses-symptoms
12 classifications of illnesses
13 everyday behavior
14 conduct during the seasons
15 avoidance of obstructing natural impulses-occasional and general conduct
16 dietary rules-food and drink
17 dietary restrictions-harmful food combinations
18 balanced intake of food-right quantities of food and drink
19 the tastes and digestive qualities of medicines-preparing medicines
20 actions of medicines-materia medica
21 methods of compounding-pharmacology
22 surgical instruments
23 health rules
24 diagnosis of humoral diseases
25 examination by craft and guile-vicious mental inclinations as causes of diseases
26 four diagnostic criteria for accepting a patient-doctor,nurse and patient
27 general therapeutic techniques-general rules of healing
28 specific therapeutic techniques-how to begin treatment of particular diseases
29 two therapeutic media-how to improve and maintain good health,fasts and diets
30 direct therapeutics-humoral pathology and treatment
31 the doctor-his code of ethics-required qualities and duties of a doctor

1 the chapter of requesting-manner of curing diseases
2 wind disorders-air disorders
3 bile disorders -bile diseases
4 phlegm disorders-phlegm diseases
5 tri-humoral disorders-integration of wind,bile and phlegm
SIX chapters on chronic internal disorders
6 chronic abdominal and digestive disorders-indigestion
7 abdominal tumors
8 first stage oedema-dropsy-swelling from excessive accumulation of serous fluid in tissue
9 second stage oedema-dropsy-swelling from excessive accumulation of serous fluid in tissue
10 third stage oedema-dropsy-swelling from excessive accumulation of serous fluid in tissue
11 consumption (tuberculosis)
SIXTEEN chapters on fevers
12 general fevers
13 contrary indications (bases of error)-causes of heat in fever
14 wind fever-cuases of cold in fever
15 unripened fever
16 high fever-mature fever
17 empty fevers
18 hidden fevers
19 chronic fevers
20 turbid fever-mixed fever
21 spreading fever
22 disturbed fever
23 infectious fever-diseases,and epidemics
24 poxes-smallpox
25 colic
26 diphtheria or quinsy(tonsils)-scarlet fever,thorat swelling and ulcers
27 common cold
SIX chapters on disorders of the upper body
28 head diseases
29 eye diseases
30 ear diseases
31 nose diseases
32 mouth diseases
33 goiters and throat diseases
EIGHT chapters on disorders on the vital and vessel organs
34 heart diseases
35 lungs diseases
36 liver diseases
37 spleen diseases
38 kidneys diseases
39 stomach diseases
40 small intestine diseases
41 large intestine diseases
TWO chapters on genital disorders
42 male genital diseases
43 female genital diseases
NINETEEN chapters on miscellaneous disorders
44 hoarseness
45 anorexia
46 thirst
47 hiccoughs
48 asthma
49 stomach cramps-acute adbominal pains
50 parasites-worm diseases
51 vomiting
52 diarrhea
53 constipation
54 urinary obstruction
55 urinary frequency including polyuria (large volumes of urine)
56 gastroenteritis-dysentery(called "Indian Heat sickness")
57 gout
58 rheumatism
59 lymph disorders-jaundice
60 white nerve(vein) including Parkinson's disease,paralysis-polio (both viral infections of the central nervous system)
61 skin diseases
62 minor disorders-hangover
EIGHT chapters on soresand ulcerations (sometimes caused by spirits)
63 sores and abcesses caused by wind humor
64 hemorrhoids-piles
65 erysipelas-red bacterial infection face and lower extremities-ringworm
66 metastic caner-cancer sores
67 lymph-caused cancer-lumps in glands-tumors
68 hydrocele-accumulation of fluid-swelling of testicles
69 elephantiasis-gross enlargement of the arms, legs, or genitals
70 anal fisula-rectal abcess
THREE chapters on pediatrics
71 treatment safeguard for fetus-midwifery,infant diseases
72 children's diseases
73 15 evil spirits causing nervous diseases in children
THREE chapters on gynecology
74 general gynecology
75 specific gynecology
76 comom female problems
FIVE chapters on spirit-caused disorders
77 disorders caused by bhuta spirits-mental diseases-insanity through possession by elemetal spirits
78 spirits causing insanity-spirits causing madness
79 spirit caused trance or amesia-spirits causing loss of memory
80 epilepsy-planetary demons causes and paralysis
81 naga(serpent) spirits causing leprosy and emaciation of the body in chronic mental diseases
FIVE chapters on wounds and lesions
82 general treatment of wounds
83 head wounds
84 neck injuries
85 abdominal wounds
86 wounds of limbs
THREE chapters on poisining
87 purposely compounded poisons
88 food poisons
89 natural poisons-snakes,plants,dogs,spiders- plant,animal and mineral poisons
90 rejuvenation-essence-extraction compounds-treatment for aged,senile feebleness
TWO chapters on aphrodisiacs and virilification
91 aphrodisiacs-sperm enriching ingredients-treatment of impotence
92 inducing fertility in women-treatment of infertility

TWO chapters on diagnostic media
1 pulse diagnosis-exam
2 urine diagnosis-exam
TEN chapters on pacification
3 decoctions (boiling water with herbs) herbal teas 77 kinds
4 powdered medicinces- 165 kinds
5 pills-22 kinds
6 extracts-condensed paste medicines with sweetner-20 kinds
7 medicinal oils-medicinal butter-23 kinds
8 calcinated compounds (especially for cold disorders)-ashes of metals as medicines-13 kinds
9 concentrated decoctions,syrups-17 kinds
10 alcoholic medicines for wind disorders and phlegm-bile combinations-medicinal liquids or wines- 19 kinds
11 gem medicines-precious medicines from jewels and metals-20 kinds
12 herbal medicines-28 for heat,14 for cold,416 altogether mentioned
SEVEN chapters on evacuation
13 medicinal oils -treatment by oil taken orally for purging
14 purgation (purging the body)- 82 kinds of medicines
15 emesis -therapeutic vomitting,emetics
16 nose cleaning medicines-16 kinds
17 suppositories-enemas of extracted juices
18 Use of instrument to insert medicine in colon
19 channel-vein cleasing-washing nerves-elixirs for cleaning the channels
20 venesection-bloodletting for hot diseases-77 veins
SIX chapters on (accessory) therapies
21 cauterization-moxibustion for cold diseases
22 fomentation -hot and cold compresses at pain sights,use of venomous mixtures
23 medicinal baths( especially for stiffness of limbs,paralysis and wind disorders
24 external applications (ointments)- massage and medicinal oitments
25 spoon surgery-method of extracting accumulation of fluid between heart and pericardium,medicines operating downwards,surgical treatments
Plus 1 concluding chapter- Condensing the 1,200 ways of examining diseases into three ways
and 1 chapter on the type of student to whom the teachings may be imparted- The classification and moral application of the above 404 diseases
All Four Tantras equal 156 chapters
A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIBETAN MEDICINE The Tibetan medical system is one of the world's oldest known medical traditions, with a history going back approximately 2500 years. There are many well-established practices, such as applying residual barley from Chung (Tibetan Beer) on swellings, drinking hot water in the case of indigestion, and using melted butter for bleeding and wounds. These practices developed from experience and formed the basis for the development of the art of healing in Tibet. During the pre-Buddhist era, there were also religious and cultural influences from the indigenous Bon tradition.
4th century The renowned Tibetan physician, Dungi Thorchok, was born early in the century. He became eminent in his field and later served as personal physician to the 28th Tibetan King Lhathothori. Under his reign the famous Tibetan physician, Yuthok Yonten Gonpo, was born.
7th century This period marks the beginning of two centuries of Tibetan dominance of Upper Asia. King Songtsen Gampo (617-650) invited physicians from India, Nepal, Persia and China to Tibet to discuss their medical systems. The result is believed to be a collection, in Tibetan, of their combined medical knowledge.
8th century During the reign of King Trisong Deutsen (755-595), the first International Medical Conference was held at Samye, in Tibet. Physicians skilled in the medical systems of India, Persia, Nepal, Greece, China and other neighbouring countries debated and shared their knowledge. After the conference, the elder Yutok Yonten Gonpo, synthesised the essence of the various Asian medicals ystems and rewrote the Four Tantras, known as the rGyud-bZhi (pronounced Goo-shee). He founded the first Tibetan medical school in Kongpo sMenlung, Tibet in 762.
12th century Yuthok Yonten Gonpo, the Younger, wrote eighteen other supplementary works on the rGyud-bZhi, the teachings on which Tibetan Medicine has since been based.
13th - 14th century Jangpa Namgyal Dragsang and Zurkhar Nyamnyi Dorjee wrote many books on medicine and astrology.
17th century Tibetan medicine underwent further development at the hands of Desi Sanggye Gyatso, an influential politician, scholar and renowned Tibetan physician. He was founder of the Chogpori Medical Center, in Lhasa, Tibet.
1916 The 13th Dalai Lama established the Men-Tsee-Khang in Lhasa, Tibet.
1961 His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama in exile re-established the Men-Tsee-Khang in Dharamsala, India. Current situation
Tibetan Medicine which has been highly respected throughout Asia for many centuries, is now engendering great interest all over the world.

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