Re: Near Infrared Lamp
Dr. Wilson’s
Sauna Detoxification Protocol
(The principles outlined below were excerpted from Dr. Larry Wilson’s “Sauna Therapy”
How Often:
One may use a sauna twice a week to twice a day. If one is very debilitated, begin with
once a week. Work up to daily use as one is able. When beginning, many people do not easily
sweat. Instead, their bodies overheat and tolerate less time in the sauna. In a few weeks
to a few months, as the body acclimates and is more able to regulate its temperature,
sweating becomes easier. Also, the more one relaxes, the more one will sweat.
Before a Sauna Session:
Avoid heavy meals two hours before a sauna session. Avoid alcohol or other intoxicating
substances. Drink eight
ounces of water before entering a sauna. Add
Sea Salt and two
tablespoons daily of kelp to one’s diet, especially if one’s water is mineral-free. Remove
metal jewelry before entering the sauna, as it may become very hot.
With a
Far Infrared Sauna , enter as soon as one turns it on or just preheat to 100ƒ F. Warm
up with the sauna. When it reaches 115-120 F., open the door 1/2" so the elements or bulbs
remain operational but the sauna stays at this temperature. [ or set the thermostat
During a Sauna Session:
Use a small towel to wipe off the sweat. Sit on another towel. Have a third towel on the
floor to avoid slipping. Talking or working are not recommended while in a sauna.
Finishing Up:
How long one remains inside a sauna depends on one’s condition. Body temperature should not
increase more than four degrees. The pulse should not increase more than 50% of the resting
pulse. Begin with 15 minutes if one is ill. If the heart begins to race, sweating stops or
one feels very faint, end the session immediately. Sixty minutes is a maximum time.
After a Sauna:
When finished, take a shower, warm or cool but not hot. Avoid soap if possible as one
should be very clean. Soap leaves a film and clogs the pores. Wipe off sweat with a skin
brush or loofa. Brush all over, even face and hair. Painful at first, it soon feels
wonderful. Brushing enhances the cleansing effect. Use shampoo and conditioner only if
needed. Most contain chemicals toxic to the body. Also skip most oils, lotions and creams.
These also contain chemicals that may clog the pores. Rinse off the towels used to wipe off
sweat in the sauna and hang them to dry.
After a sauna session drink eight
ounces of water. Sit for at least 10 minutes. These
simple steps allow the body to reap the full benefit of the sauna experience.
Healing Reactions:
Healing reactions are temporary symptoms that occur as toxic substances are eliminated and
chronic infections heal. Symptoms vary from mild odors, tastes or rashes to periods of
fatigue, bowel changes, aches, pains or headaches.
Many people have chronic infections, often treated with
Antibiotics that killed most of the
bacteria but did not eliminate bad tissue and all the organisms. These may flare up as they
are healed due to repeated sauna use. Most healing symptoms are benign. Consult a
knowledgeable practitioner if any cause concern.
Emotional healing also takes place. Memories may arise consciously or in dreams. Temporary
anxiety or other emotional states may occur and usually pass quickly. Some are directly
related to elimination of toxic substances. Others are associated with emotional clearing.
Supervision and Safety:
Saunas are safe for most people providing one follows the rules here described. Supervision
is always best, especially if one has a health condition. If debilitated or very heat-
sensitive, begin with less time in a sauna. The presence of an attendant or friend is also
most helpful.
Consult a health professional if one has any serious health condition. Those who have used
LSD or other psychotropic drugs require an attendant close by, as removal of drugs from
tissue storage sites may cause flashbacks and even full-blown LSD trips.
Pregnant women and children under five should avoid saunas. Young children must be
accompanied by an adult. Continue prescribed medication while taking saunas unless directed
otherwise by the prescribing physician.
For Acute Infections:
If one has an acute infection with fever or other acute symptoms, more frequent, shorter
sauna sessions are better until the infection subsides. Most people can use the sauna 15
minutes about 5 times a day during infections. Always check with someone knowledgeable if
you are unsure about sauna use, although in general, saunas are quite safe.
Guide ID: 10000000007970703Guide created: 07/14/08 (updated 06/04/10)