Permaguard Diatomaceous Earth is food grade. It can be purchased at feed stores in 50 pound sacks. DO NOT breathe the dust in... get a mask when using it!! For bedbugs... bedbugs feed on you in your bed, but they do not live there. Look for them under your bed inside of the box spring. Under tables, under the bottom of drawers or any piece of wooden furniture. Also... behind picture frames on your walls. If you have bedbugs, you will find black dots/spots on your mattress... indications that they are there. You can use it on your garden produce too as a great bug detractor, and for those household bugs like ants. Put it in your pet's water to reduce parasites. Stir it in your water to do the same thing. You can use 2 Tbsp. in a gallon jug of water. Add DE, then add water to fill the jug. Let it settle... then, drink small amounts throughout the day.... it is very good for you... contains silica and helps collagen.