Weekly Topical Treatment for Nail Fungus
Hi All,
I recently discovered this site and I wanted to tell all of you still dealing with onychomycosis about my company's product, Renewed Nail. I know this is the Internet and I understand that I am biased -- but I am a very honest person and this product truly does work when the treatment protocol is followed. I only ask that you hear me out...
Renewed Nail was created by a chemist-turned-podiatrist and there is real
Science behind it.
The key to our product is how we approach the fungal nail -- rather than simply attack the fungus, Renewed Nail focuses on deprivation and starvation of the fungus in addition to attacking it directly. The delivery system that we use to carry our anti-fungal agent, which is something called cyanoacrylate (a superglue-like compound) bonds tightly to nail keratin and encases the fungus, thus eliminating its sources of nutrition: air and water. The anti-fungal agent is then able to attack the fungus inside this hostile environment for long periods of time. You only have to apply it once a week, it is not messy at all, it won't wash off and you can wear nail polish over the protective base during the treatment process.
About Us: We are a small start-up company gaining our footing in this market and we are trying to educate people on why our product actually works versus so many other treatments out there. We offer a 100% money-back guarantee (no questions asked) if you do not see visible improvement after 8 weeks, so you have nothing to lose by giving it a try.
Will you please email me with any questions you may have at kyle.rehder@renewednail.com or visit our website for more information,
Again, I understand this looks like a sales pitch in a blog, and I apologize for that, but I really believe in our product and I know it can help many of you with your fungal nails. Thank you so much for your time in reading this and I hope to receive questions and feedback from you soon.
Kyle Rehder
Director of Marketing
Renewed Nail, LLC
(800) 404-3338
- A Topical Treatment for Nail Fungus -