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Re:seek2clean's itching nightmare
seek2clean Views: 2,998
Published: 14 y
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Re:seek2clean's itching nightmare

I took hot bath #102 last night per Trapper's suggestion
The extended stay in
2cups borax
1cup baking soda
Thyme/Lavender essential oils (10 drops each) - did not rinse, promptly did cool/cold sitz.
This calmed things and fyi the mixture allowed me to run a comb through wet hair without a tangle. Went to bed.
Woke up
ITCHY - had 2 good BM's - evidence of flukes again lately.** Scalp ITCH always intensifies right before evacuation, every time.**

Later in the day I find black specks on face followed by glittery specks - lots of them, must be falling out of hair and/or surfacing through skin. The itch is like scabies, but not where typically found - stays on head/neck/shoulders. I am going to find microscope for sure. I have seen the black specks in the past but not for awhile. The glitter comes and goes - would love to know what it is.

I have had some relief in the past with castor oil around neck/shoulder/hairline, but never have taken it all the way into long hair -but might give it a go when I can plan on what it will take to remove.

I have been so focused on recent history that I forget to include past use of hair products on myself and others (chose not to use 70's Cosmetology education beyond my kitchen last 38 years.) - a lot of colors and perms over the years. Boy this surely adds to chemical load!

My last personal color adventure was prior to the scalp thing - have not used any kind of chemical since, hair is grown out long natural color, but burned my scalp with the last ever application when I was walking around with bleach on my hair and forgot it was even there for 1.5 hours in 2005. BRAIN FOG is amazing when it can knock out important details and it takes a chat with a CZ member to get some recall. The scalp was compromised at that time and may be at the bottom of this, but what to do with this information I do not know. It may have allowed WHATEVER this is to set up housekeeping - may be a really deep skin infection.




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