Lyme Recovery Story using Allimed, stable allicin
Hello everyone,
Here is a Lyme recovery story that you will find encouraging:
Man has Lyme for 35 years, now has his life back!
Although I didn’t know it at the time, and would not know it for 35 more years my battle with lyme disease began it seems, when I was just 16 years old.At that time I had persistent and extreme fevers with no apparent cause along with the fevers came joint pain, weight loss and a host of other symptoms that are consistent with lyme disease.
I suffered with these symptoms sporadically until my early twenties then seemed to have a period of good health that lasted until I was in my early 30s .Then the only way to describe what happened to me was I crashed totally. No energy, bedridden at times, joint pain that would affect some joints for a period of time then move to affect others , mental fog, various neurological disorders (some mimicking Parkinson’s Disease), heart, the list goes on.I saw every type of doctor you could imagine from MDs to witch doctors only kidding about the witch doctor (they were too busy and couldn’t get me in).No one could explain my symptoms this went on for twenty years with no apparent cause or explanation. To say it was challenging both physically and mentally is a gross understatement. We had really just about given up. I say we because this disease affects those around you as well as yourself.
Fortunately for me I had M. my wife who just would not quite give up. She had heard about a doctor from someone, so it was one more of what we had come to expect to be a wasted trip. But this time fortunately we were wrong just a few minutes into the appointment the doctor said sounds like lyme disease. I was tested cdc positive.
The enemy now had a name. What next? Looked at the options researched, researched, and researched some more. Tried all kinds of natural remedies, rife machine, ect, ect, wanted to avoid antibiotics if we could. We joined a local lyme support group, someone mentioned Allimed, and you know the rest of the story.I had, no, we had 30 years of our life stolen by a disease that I didn’t know existed, Allimed changed that. After six months of taking Allimed I have recovered almost completely, I don’tt know what you are supposed to feel like at 53 but I had a rebirth. Thank you more than you will ever know. R K