14 y
Re: I'm not sure
There are so many reasons why people can and can't smell us as well as why they keep quiet.
There are some people with the normal a normal sense of smell. If they can smell our
Body Odor , then we're having a bad bo day.
Also, there are those who have super sensitive noses. I have a sibling who I say has a canine nose as he can pick up the tiniest smell. BUT, he can't smell me!
Then there are those who don't have a very good sense of smell due to allergies, deviated septum, or other reasons.
People who say they can't smell us either were taught manners or really can't smell us. It's too bad our true friends can't tell us we smell. We need to get acknowledgement that we do smell from someone we can trust. Then there are those who can't smell us. Great! Embrace that and make them your good friends so you can do things together. Don't alienate yourself from the world.
Then there are those who weren't taught any manners and will say in a loud voice for everyone to hear that you smell bad. That's when people who didn't even notice your smell either begin to notice it or else people say it does smell when they can't smell anything. It's like gossip, it stars spreading like wildfire whether it's true or not just to have something to talk about.
I'm curious, has anyone approached someone who tried to humiliate them in front of individuals and turn the tables around and told them they have a super sense of smell and that it's a medical condition that doctors are trying to find the cause. I hate to say this but it seems like people are getting downright rude. Schools now teach about not bullying and how schools are bully free zones due to the psychological trauma and suicides it causes in children. So what about the adults? Bullying is bullying no matter what age. Does turning 18 and being so called adults give us the right to harass, laugh, torment, criticize, and ostracize people because they're different than us? Are we teaching our children by example? Do we criticize and make fun of people because they're different in front of our children and expect them to be caring compassionate adults?