These days 'Conspiracy Theory' means 'Alternative News'. The MSM does not deal with real news. It is a syndicated corporate propanganda machine that fabricates Conspiracy theories such as the so-called news articles that claimed that pro-Kadaffi forces were pumped up on v!agra going around and raping innocent women - a total fabrication to brainwash people like you.
We have entered the era of 1984 double-speak, where a Nobel Peace Prize laureate bombs & missile strikes innocent Libyans for 'humanitarian' reasons, War = Peace & American Constitutionalists that advocate the Bill of Rights are labeled "homegrown terrorists".
No doubt you probably support TSA grope enthusiasts, as well, if not employed as one cause you can't get it anywhere else.
Enjoy your world.
So, why don't you just stay in the Politics Forum & keep your mental activities focused on the fictitious left-right paradigm. Conserve your energy for challenges with 'InCharge'.