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Re: Digestive Bitter Question/concern
TonyOrlando Views: 7,424
Published: 14 y
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Re: Digestive Bitter Question/concern

Bad bacteria, aka "opportunistic bacteria," function as pathogens when allowed to and can suppress beneficial flora, cause inflammation (colitis), interfere with absorption of nutrients (diarrhea), and cause infections in other areas (esp bladder) when allowed to overgrow. They are bullies.

I was only able to get my normal flora going again by killing enough of them to tip the balance in favor of the symbiotes.

Many of them ferment sugars, and gain advantage by high Sugar diets, so you can begin to change the balance by eliminating sugar, including fruit juice.

Metametrix can do DNA testing on the bad bacteria and tell you which natural substances and Antibiotics will work against them.

Inflammatory foods, like red meats, are very difficult to digest, and put additional stress on the digestive system and can make it difficult to heal.



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