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Natural Bone Healing Testimony
NaturalRN Views: 2,103
Published: 14 y

Natural Bone Healing Testimony

This is a long over-due testimony, but after reading the post by triciastu about the 99 year-old Nana who broke her hip (, I decided I needed to post this:

Unyquity assisted my daughter in healing a stress fracture in the tarsal navicular bone of her foot by recommending Dr. Christopher's B, F & C formula tincture internally and B, F & C formula ointment externally as well as horsetail tincture combined with potassium supplementation. She also utilized hot / cold therapy to her foot following removal of the cast. The amazing thing about this scenario is that following application of a stabilizer boot and limited weight bearing / activity on her foot for months (as recommended by her first orthopedic doctor), the fracture did NOT heal. I took her to a second orthopedic doctor, who recommended surgery and did not believe she could heal without surgery. He told us that a fracture in this bone is extremely difficult to heal because it has a limited blood supply. Since we refused surgery the doctor said we could try the application of a cast, but he did not really expect to achieve healing. It was following the application of the cast that we started the B, F, & C protocol as described above. Much to the surprise of the orthopedic doctor, my daughter achieved complete healing of her stress fracture! He called my daughter a 'star' patient.




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