Newbie, entering day 3 MC female questions etc
I started the
Master-Cleanse on Friday night, so entering day 3 now...
I have been extremely late on my period and started spotting yesterday, but it was gone by today. This is really strange as I usually bleed heavily and on time (I am on birth control). I know I am not preggers, so that is not an issue.
My tongue is already white and slimey. What does this mean? I have brushed my teeth numerous times today. UGH
I have felt strangely tired, but with more energy than I had prior to starting. I have been mostly in bed, though. I get this weird busrt of energy after drinking the MC.
I will start some light exercise tonight. I will be doing bodyflex, am hoping to be able to ease back into my usual routine of yoga and cycling eventually. (I had not exercised in months, gained 20 lbs over the winter and a host of hormonal problems with it--and a chronic sludgy 'I'm gonna DIE' feeling.)
I have lost about 7 lbs so far.