Re: One thing to remember...
There are some here that are really into the whole
Conspiracy theory thing, and I think you're right, there are some people where the issue is more about the perceived conspiracy, than the vaccine ingredients, and the safety of the vaccines.
Many of the theories make me laugh, particularly the depopulation of the Earth with vaccines theory. Vaccines have been around for many decades now, and the population of the Earth has grown immensely since the introduction of vaccines. There either isn't a
Conspiracy to depopulate, or the conspiritors are very bad at their job.
There are also those here, that appear to genuinely believe that
vaccinations are bad, and the good thing about living in a democratic country is that no-one is forcing anyone to go against their belief, and be vaccinated, or vaccinate their children. If those people choose not to vaccinate, they must expect to be inconvenienced, they are going against the majority of society, and that is never without consequences.
The problem arises when people think that there will be no consequences from their decisions.