Fels Naptha bar soap to prevent, remove Poison Ivy.
Fels Naptha is an antique bar soap once used for scrubbing laundry on a wash board. This soap is mild but effective. Before venturing forth, lather up your skin and let the Fels Naptha dry on there to form a protective barrier. If exposed to poison ivy/oak, you have a narrow window of time to remove the oils from your skin, and Fels Naptha is one of the best things to use. Laundry detergent is another option, but do not use any soap having skin softening oils or chemicals as this will trap the toxic oil onto the skin. Fels Naptha may be available at your local hardware store. Have them order a couple of bars for you--one for the house, one for the car. Old pharmacies may carry Fels Naptha.
I once used Fels Naptha on a kid who had been exposed to poison ivy and was reacting around his eye region. We lathered up his eye, eyeball and all, and while this was uncomfortable for a few minutes, the poison ivy oils got washed away so there was a happy ending to the 4th of July family reunion picnic. I am not generally reactive to poison ivy but was walking in a field that I realized was chest-high poison ivy that had been mowed and grew up at an unfamiliar length so I didn't recognize it. I waked up when I noticed something was making my lungs feel menthol-y, so I was starting to have some reaction. I soaped off with detergent and was fine. Give it a spin. Thanks, God!