Nice smokescreen, but it won't float
Nice mainstream smokescreen, but it won't float. We aren't talking about natural formadehyde produced in our bodies from eating wholesome unadulterated foods. We are talking about unnatural formadelhyde.
BTW, one very large source of metabolic by-product of formadehyde is the dangerous sweetener Aspartame, Aspartame also happens to be another lovely ingredient that is found in some vaccines. Is your logic that since we are exposed to toxic "natural" and industrial formadehyde on a regular basis it is therefore safe to inject unnatural formadehyde directly into our bloodstreams? That same logic must apply to a whole host of toxic ingredients in vaccines.
Don't for a minute try to throw a smokescreen at us about the "miniscule" amounts of formaldehyde in vaccines. The safe level for formadehyde exposure is 2 PPM, and that is exposure in general not exposure diredtly into the bloodstream. Some vaccines contain up to 27 PPM and more of formaldehyde. As a matter of fact, vaccines commonly contain PPM of dangerous toxins which exceed established safe exposure levels.