Re: Testing what happens when DMSO is added to MMS
Thanks Tom. I will stick to that dose or even lower.
I will take the occasional 1 drop, 1:1 JH protocol but will mainly stick to NACLO2 as I am taking now.
My conditions are that I am suffering from constant back pains, fatigue, sore throat, mucous and I eat only fruits and vegetables. So its not my diet that is causing an issue. My blood work and other tests showed no problems. Except that my gut flora showed an overgrowth of bad bacteria and since I started adding probiotics the flora was sort of re-established (i tested again)but chances of the bugs migrating to other parts causing infections is what I think I have. I went to the doctor and she thought I have the flu and asked me to just rest and hope things will get better.
I wanted to thus take a steady but low dose of this to help me kill any infection causing agents.
BTW, I came across a doctor in the US who lists down many oxidative therapies like ozone and hydrogen peroxide
but not sodium chlorite or chlorine dioxide.
I am wondering if I should take herbs or NACLO2 or both and if I do I cannot eat fruits and vegetables much as they are antioxidants rich and so are the herbs.
I know you cannot give medical advice but can you help think this through with me? Thanks