Thank you! Multiple usernames are permitted?
Thanks much, he had pretty much hijacked the CS forum with his spam and bad information.
Could you clarify about using multiple usernames? That would seem to open up a whole can of worms to me - such as skewing voting totals and posting in support of your own messages. Though you say that someone should not do that, if it is possible to do I have no doubt that it will be done.
As you know, I have one username for my private forum and another for the rest of CZ. If I want to post anonymously, which I have very, very seldom done, I can choose to post under one of the user numbers for those two IDs. Since all members can post as either their chosen ID or their number, it is a bit hard for me to see why they should be able to create and use multiple other numbers and I can only see it leading to problems.
It is your website and, as always, I will support and abide by what you wish. However, if it were up to me, I would make it a TOS violation to create multiple user names and ban anyone I caught doing so.