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Re: To Uny/others... adrenal fatigue/candida overgrowth.
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Re: To Uny/others... adrenal fatigue/candida overgrowth.


Greetings Dan (and everyone) -
I'd like to get this part (to everyone) out of the way.  Firstly, if the world were 'as it should be' and more good people would have stood up when they should have (and more good people would stand up now)...we would all be able to make the choice between 'being our own doctor' or going to a Natural Healing clinic or physician.  But we don't have that choice, and lil' ole me simply cannot take the place of 'what there should be' for anybody (even if I were qualified and/or had the time/facilities).
Since accepting this forum, every now & then (when I've had the time, or even when I haven't) I've reached out to a handful of folks personally (via PM/email or phone call)...and as you can tell from Dan's posts, Dan was one of those people.  I intend these to be one-time communications, but when people are in severe crisis 'the people' tend not to remember that, and phone or email/PM for help - and so I do my best.  I'm not sharing this to criticize Dan (or anybody else that needs assistance desperately), but I do want you all to know that of all the (many) reasons my posts have been limited lately, one of them is not me sitting here at the computer/phone 18 hours a day taking phone calls and doing personal consultations.  I was doing one-on-one consultations for years before accepting this forum, and one of the main reasons I accepted was because I can only share info with a handful of people monthly one-on-one, but can share Natural Healing truths with hundreds (even thousands) monthly with a forum.  Simple truth, I am not a physician; I am a teacher (that hopefully inspires as well as teaches).  My goal is to teach people to be their own physician.  Yes, I totally understand that when people are 'in crisis' they don't have time to learn everything they need to know (and it breaks my heart that folks don't have a clinic or physician they can safely turn to)...but please understand that I'm not capable of 'shouldering that burden' (on this forum OR behind the scenes).  TIA for understanding :)   Onward...

Also, I'm reaching out to anyone here for ideas on how to handle this adrenal fatigue/candida thing in my position. I'm on the verge of being kicked to the curb because i won't go in a psych ward and get drugged. I need a way out of this situation and/or the best way to heal the adrenal fatigue with the overgrowth asap.
I'll do my best :)  The very first thing I suggest is to not to freak out your parents any further by insisting on juice-fasting!  Fasting of any type (especially if parents/family deem you underweight) is about the best way I know of to cause people to think you're a danger to yourself!  Juice-fasting is a wonderful healing modality, but it's not essential (in any way) for eliminating candida or curing adrenal stress (although juicing can/should always be added for extra, easily assimilated fuel/nutrition - especially when not taking Superfood and/or bee pollen).  If your parents are threatening to "kick you to the curb" if you don't willingly admit yourself to a psych ward, it's very likely that 'pushing for a juice-fast' might just be the 'last straw'.
Assuming you have limited finances and no job, then you need to do your best to eliminate the stress & conflict at home; obviously it's very tough to heal yourself if you're homeless & destitute (and even harder in a psych ward).  I realize that 'doing your best' is really tough when one is hyper-reactive due to adrenal issues.  It's very important that you recognize that you are hyper-reactive (and likely, not acting much like yourself in many ways).  Your parents (as I know you know) likely feel like they have many reasons to be concerned (and are concerned out of love for you).  The best way for you to get them to 'lighten up' is to make sure that you are not doing or saying anything that worsens/elevates their concern.  And honestly, one of the best ways of doing that is by making sure you're not 'hyper-reacting' to stressful conversations & situations.
Example: Mom/dad are expressing their concern about 'xyz', the stress is building, and you're about to "react" (probably in a way that is not typical of you).  Instead of reacting and saying something in a hyper-reactive state, say something like, "Mom/dad, what you're saying IS important, but  I'm very stressed and anxious right now, and this conversation is causing me to feel even more that way.  I don't want to say anything now when I'm stressed that will cause more problems and  worry you more.  So if you don't mind, I request that we put this conversation/decision 'on hold' until I'm in a better frame of mind."   Remember, "first, do no harm" is a very good 'rule of life', not just natural healing :)
Also, something else to consider is: is their 'psych ward or the curb' threat actually real?  Caring parents that don't understand the concept of Natural Healing (and are worried sick about their child) are not typically likely to really kick you to the curb if you refuse to check into a psych ward (as in, most parents aren't actually going to call the police and have you escorted from your/their home if you refuse to 'check yourself in').  I don't know your parents, but I do know what 'adrenal stress' feels like and how it affects our thinking - and when we're in 'flight or fight' even the slightest thing can seem much bigger and more threatening that it actually is.  Of course, this doesn't mean a 'perceived threat' is not a threat; but it does mean we need to make sure we examine everything logically.
It wasn't that long ago that I would have advised you to make an appointment with a psychiatrist (definitely one of your own choosing, that hadn't previously spoken to your parents), explain the issues to him/her, and walk out with a statement that proved to your parents that you are NOT "a danger to yourself or others" (which is the criteria used to determine whether one can forcibly be admitted to a psych-ward against their will) - to attempt to solve this conflict at home.   But now I am quite aware that if one goes to a psychiatrist, explains that loved ones are concerned that 'I am a danger to myself', and then proceeded to tell him/or her that I was insisting on treating myself without the advice or prescriptions of an MD, that the psychiatrist would likely deem that to actually be proof (maybe legal proof) that "I was a danger to myself".  So now I don't recommend seeing a psychiatrist. In fact, since you've already got a 'script for Prozac and it's known you haven't taken it, it's very likely that you need to stay as far away from them as possible.

I need to know about how I can pull off this juice fast with the candida overgrowth I have, and if using celery and cucumber is sufficient.
Firstly - being dependent upon parents that are supporting you and that are actively opposed to you utilizing Natural Healing is tricky at best...but suggesting a bizarre "cucumber & celery" juice fast is pretty-much a recipe for disaster. I'm not sure why you seem to be pushing so hard for 'juice fasting', Dan. It seems as you might be thinking/hoping that if you juice-fast, that somehow that's going to be 'the thing' that wipes out deep-seated adrenal issues and what seems to be a very heavy overgrowth of candida (???). With a history of Accutane & SSRI usage (along with all the issues caused by candida and die-off), 'slow & steady & consistent' is the only way through this successfully (that I know of). Remember, fasting always includes triggering the body to detoxify, and detoxification can be very stressful to the kidneys/adrenals when not properly supported; and as you already learned, being aggressive without providing necessary support can cause us to go backward.
The only reason I'd ever suggest juice-fasting with only cucumber & celery would be if that were the only two juice-able kinds of produce/food someone's body would tolerate (and if juice-fasting were critical...which it would likely be if someone was so reactive to foods they could only ingest cucumber & celery).  With strong adrenal issues, you should have very nutrient-dense varieties of produce, and you should be making sure you're getting enough protein (for which I typically suggest Superfood & Bee Pollen - which I assume you don't have available). But one can achieve complete healing from adrenal stress and candida without juice fasting (although I always recommend adding fresh juice daily). 
Your diet...I think perhaps one of the best options you have is getting on a food program that is healthy AND that you & your parents can agree upon. And since the Hallelujah Diet is based on the Bible, I can't imagine them having any kind of a problem with the Hallelujah Diet (assuming they'd take a bit of time to read/learn about it). Check it out here:
Here's their mission statement:
Hallelujah Acres® is a non-denominational Christian ministry that provides education, products, services, and other resources to help people everywhere understand and practice God's ways to ultimate health. We hope that you will find both the information and inspiration to get on the road to health and to stay healthy for life. Learn More About Us...

The only thing you'd need to do is to tweak it a bit for candida, and you already know how to do that. Stay away from 'high sugars' and limit grains to brown rice, oats, quinoa & rye.
These foods are supposed to be good for increasing GABA (which is calming), so work the ones that are healthy for you into your eating plan.
  • Almonds
  • Tree nuts
  • Bananas
  • Beef Liver
  • Broccoli
  • Brown Rice
  • Halibut
  • Lentils
  • Oats, whole grain
  • Oranges, citrus fruits
  • Rice bran
  • Spinach
  • Walnuts
  • Whole wheat, whole grains.
Another good thing to do is soak/sprout your rice before cooking it - that equals: GABA Rice (rice that is very high in GABA). Just soak the rice in water (rinsing it 2-3 times a day) for a couple of days, and then cook as normal. I used to soak/sprout large batches and put the soak/sprouted uncooked rice in plastic bags in the freezer to have it 'at the ready' for when I wanted rice.

The amount of GABA we can get from foods isn't typically "enough" to make a difference when one is dealing with strong benzo withdrawal issues, but since you don't have any herbal support at all for your adrenals (and you're not dealing with benzos), eating GABA rich foods might provide a noticeable benefit for you.
Also, I'm having trouble determining if my adrenal stress is being primarily caused by a large overgrowth or possibly systemic candida... i have the beginnings of thrush and all it takes is one T of coconut oil or 1 tab of 1 billion strain probiotic and I get out heaps of candida.

Either way, got to get off here. The computer isn't treating me so kindly.

You can have various levels of adrenal stress with or without the presence of candida. I highly doubt 'candida alone' is responsible for the level of adrenal issues you're experiencing. You had some level of damage to your adrenals from the Accutane/SSRI, and the liver compromise, and the liver flukes and then the 'alcohol withdrawal' caused by the die-off of candida when attacking it aggressively (without maintaining consistent adrenal support). Couple that with the stress of your situation (and no adrenal support), and you get worsening symptoms...which can easily be chalked up to worsening stress. 


The thing that's toughest to do (but is most important) is to break the flight/fight cycle. Once we become overstimulated in flight/fight, we become hyper/over-reactive - then we pop into flight/fight very easily...which makes us more reactive and more likely to repeat. You really do need to do everything you can to avoid confrontation and stress with your parents. Do you best to stay in your room/outside whenever you can, and utilize as many 'stress relievers' as possible...Earthing, EFT, warm baths, deep breathing, napping (get ear plugs to cut down on startling sounds and eye covering/mask for keeping out light while sleeping); listen to soothing music, stretch, relax/meditate/pray...simply relax as much as possible (and remember that what happens 'today' is not going to define the rest of your life (and that what is happening now in your body IS temporary).  


You are going to get through this (I'm sure of it), but it's not going to happen 'today or tomorrow'; so the most important thing you can do today is 'stick to the basics' (and trust in them). 'Stop doing what makes you sick' is the #1 rule - so do your best to relax and not worry about 'what caused this or that' and don't worry that your parents don't understand completely, or that you can't find the answer to (or fix) your issues "right now today".   All your worry & stress IS going to make it worse (and ditching the worry & stress IS going to make it better). Just take a few days to 'maintain' for now and don't try to 'win battles' and/or 'move ahead'. Every warrior needs to have times of rest & relaxation (even when there are battles to be fought and one). So if you're 'pushing too hard' switch into 'rest & relax' mode for a few days. You might just find it's exactly what you're needing most.


Blankets of blessings,




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