Winning the war on cancer means preventing cancer. Yet cancer is a multi-billion dollar business. Isn’t preventing cancer bad for business? It is for the pharmaceutical and mammography businesses. These industries have intricate ties to U. S. policy makers, directing research funds to insure their continued profits in cancer diagnosis/treatment. It’s time for reform. Congressional leaders are calling for an investigation of the U. S. National Cancer Institute for its indifference to cancer prevention, other than smoking, and for denying the public of its Right-to-Know, and for failing to inform Congress and regulatory agencies.
You can add your voice on one or all fronts: Stop cancer before it starts.
“a governmental pharmaceutical company”-- Samuel Broder, former NCI director;
“plagued by lack of public participation and openness”-- Senator John Glenn
The American Cancer Society (ACS) - world’s wealthiest non-profit;
“more interested in accumulating wealth than saving lives”--Chronicle of Philanthropy