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EMF damage: Adrenals, Castor Oil, EFT Re: Possible Eardrum Damage
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EMF damage: Adrenals, Castor Oil, EFT Re: Possible Eardrum Damage

Hi NB,
IMO... castor oil would be a good thing.

I do not have any help or answers for you except to offer a few links that contain related information.  I hope you find the answers you need to heal.



Here is an excerpt from an earlier post from Uny:

The best way you can rid yourself of all the chemical reactions is to support your adrenals and get started on the liver cleansing/flushing asap.

Re: EMF Protection Please Advise [Unyquity]

Here is a post I did that contains some links on the adrenals and also using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

Re: Going to try to heal adrenals on my own, a little scared...

Re: Going to try to heal adrenals on my own, a little scared... [Unyquity]


5) Many people (especially those in the younger age group) are unwilling to give up one of the largest contributing factors to adrenal fatigue...and that's wifi, cellphones and all other types of EMF frequencies that are like a sledgehammer to our body (particularly our adrenals). You'll want to read ALL the information regarding this in the "EMF Cortisol Connection" section in this link: EMF induced Neuro-endocrine Stress Syndrome

This is another fantastic 'must read' overview: adrenal The Adverse Health Effects of EMFs from Modern Technology

From the link above:

This is not to say that any of the above named conditions do not have numerous other causes, but the concomitant increase in wireless technology along with the rapid increase in these conditions in nearly the same time frame is more than just coincidental. The hard truth is that we cannot underestimate the harmful health effects of unnatural radiation.

Among the various conditions with a similar symptom picture, it is the close correlation with functional Adrenal Insufficiency (not Addison’s Disease) that warrants closer examination. According to Dr. Robert O. Becker, it is well known that exposure to any unnatural electromagnetic field produces a stress response [36]. If the stress response becomes prolonged, the stress response system – which is the Adrenal Glands – becomes exhausted and the competency of the immune system decreases to levels below normal.





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