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Re: Hi Helmax; I thought you just started new program?
helmax Views: 2,113
Published: 14 y
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Re: Hi Helmax; I thought you just started new program?

Quote by North: "I thought you just started a new program two weeks ago? Did the past couple of weeks cure you of all symptoms? If so, can you tell us the details of what products you took (in addition to the yogurt you mentioned"

Hello, North. Yes I did just start the newest version of my protocol a few weeks ago. Actually, there were not a lot of large changes to be made.

Even though I was following the Candida diet to a "T" I knew that something had to be feeding this monster in my body, otherwise, why was I seeing no improvement whatsoever unless I experienced another dreadful die-off day? Then the improvement would only last for a day or less, and before I would know it, the symptoms would start back as strong as ever. The Candida had to be getting a reinforcement of some sort from something. But I didn't know what it could be until I read this information from Hv:

Candida has a wall containing cellulose and hemicelluloses, therefore in theory the enzymes can help kill the Candida by digesting their cell walls. But on the other hand, the enzymes are not specific to Candida; they are also in the foods we eat. So taking these enzymes will also break down the cellulose and hemicellulose in the foods we eat. And the byproduct of the enzymatic breakdown of cellulose and hemicellulose are sugars which feed Candida. Bingo, there it was, and I was taking this into my body every single day.
As I stated, I stopped the enzymes completely and purchased grape bitters instead which of course allows our body to make its own digestive enzymes.

I also continued the high dose of probiotics and added a few prebiotics which I was not using before.

I had also read about biotin deficiencies showing up in most Candida patients, so I added this supplement to my diet, cut down on the antifungals, and that was about it.

In less than a week I saw a huge improvement. Perhaps I'm not 'completely cured' of the infestation, but for me, the important part is that I've not had a single symptom return yet, and I know that something has to be responsible for that huge difference. As a side note, I was also taking Candidate and Molybdenum three times a day for the almost daily die-off symptoms, but I realized today that I'd forgotten to take either of them for at least two days, and still no die-off symptoms at all.

I sincerely hope this can help someone.


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