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Re: Testimonial - Wombat's Iodine Salve
High on Water Views: 4,238
Published: 14 y
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Re: Testimonial - Wombat's Iodine Salve

Ohhh, I don't know about that. The thing with stuff like that is that you just have to use a decent shampoo - but use NO water until you're ready for rinsing.

Even before my health-seeking days I learned how to get Vaseline out of hair: a co-worker friend had used it to grease back his hair for a 1950's party; I told him to use the shampoo full strength and that most of the vaseline would go down with the rinse water. Then, allow the hair to dry before doing that again. HE had a lot of thick and luscious hair, and he did have to do it twice.

He was most grateful. My boss also loved me for my knowledge of trivia in that department - including the purposeful usage of *horrors* Vaseline. gulp


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