Re: Just STOP using chemical and hormonal birth control !!!
>> Goodsam, it must be great to go through life knowing everything. Really, do you think the people on the forum intentionally tried to hurt themselves by using birth control ? Get a life.
I'm frustrated about:
- why you were conned
- why the mass media fools majority of women
- why the mass media fools majority of the public
- why these companies are allowed to do this mass poisoning
- why this kind of suffering goes on with this generation and why it will continue to victimize new generations of women.
- why $$$ is more important than the suffering of women
- why the so called FEMINIST movement or EMPOWERMENT seems to be in CAHOOTS with poisoning women.
Yes it is frustrating to know "everything", I've known my wife for 20 years. When I was 21 she and I already knew birth control pills hormones and chemicals were VERY VERY much POISON.
Can we all make the effort to stop this chemical and hormone birth control idiocy from spreading?
The people at "The Pill Kills" seem to be doing it right.
Will you tell all your lady friends and all your young teenage lady friends to NOT poison themselves?