You did yourself no favors with these "small meals everynow and then" Bottom line is you were not fasting but "starving" yourself. The way fasting works is giving the digestive system a rest and allowing the system to go into ketosis where the body starts using fat reserves for energy instead of muscle. Most toxins are stored in fat. Everytime you ate solid food no matter how "small" it put a screeching halt to the "fasting" process and the body would have to start all over again getting rid of the solids. The MC or no form of fasting works by the restrictions of calories. It is not a weight loss diet.
Generally on the MC (by the book) when you're not "starving" yourself after the second week when the system has expelled most of the causative agents your energy levels go up since the the system is not using most of it's energy for digestion. You did not allow the system to do that. At this point it would probably be best if you switched to juice "feasting" to infuse your system with some much needed nutrition after starving yourself for a month. This will also still allow the system to detox albeit at a slower rate. Below is a link for a free online PDF on Juice Feasting